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Zaria 718-886

Seen 9 months ago
Rune Warrior (34/40)
Rune Warrior
34 Posts
Warning level
Joined: 2022-04-24


R-S Mod Response  Info
Zaria is a project I put a lot of time in, it was hosted for 3/4 months an had some good potential. I'm releasing this because the person mentioned above scammed and I'm tired of this shitty community (the community I once loved so much) + I'm prob done with rsps.
I know it has some bad codings, I started this project before I went studying computer science. Please don't complain on this thread, and please don't ask me for help.
R-S Mod Response  Pictures
Project link for images -> Project
R-S Mod Response  Download
Full package :!6DZ2TAQJ!MOlxqTzuR...69QnMG0mLPC3lU
Client :!SewEnawA!uNrlUBldn...enzz7-i5laiSIs

Small note: I don't log everything.

Spoiler for updates:

#Thatscape update log, started all over again some pc probs.. corrupted cache etc and forsgot backups

-Converted item defs, and npc defs. goign to do object defs tomorow.
-Added seedicider.
-presets almost done, need to add my old interface again.
-Random create spawns into the wilderness
-Loading gfx done.
-Added springcleaner, converts amrour into bars and smithing exp
-Started on the home.
-Added a ingame panel (at the achievement tab).
-Power tokens dorp from monsters, higher combat lvl = more tokens
-fixed the bug where you didn't need a slayer level to kill certain monsters,
-added right click examine player option, you can see their levels and armour.
-Mix potions + effect added.
-amulet of souls now give more healing while soulsplitting
-players can now change their house style
-note paper now works
-made power tokens stackable
-added max, the skiller at home
-Record redone + interface added.
-started on portable well + range+ ...
-added a portal to home to close a room which is meant for prestiged guys only.
-corrupted ore is now smithable.
-holy,searing,salve overloads are now drinkable. + birghtfire potion
-Corrupted ore smelting bux fixed.
-obsidian shards are now smeltable.
-option to enable special drops at kuradel, and you can get scales to make armour. Only from monsters you have a task from.
-random server messages added
-trivia redone
-Celestial dragons are now attackable
-Pvm master quest and boss caves done
-wildywyrm are now a slayertask + celestials
-wildywyrm now drops the amulet of souls
-You can now make spiked dragon armour, and fur orn kits and orn dragon.
-Started on the pirate quest
-Added 120master cape shop, with interface
-Players can now change their lootbeam gfx supports default and rainbow atm
-Tried to make 120cape overrides, but it's seems that they are more than one model
-KeepsakeKeys now work
-made a class vor mastercape abilitys. agility, prayer,hp,con,rc,slayer done
-Soldiers at home can't be attacked.
- some more progress on the pirate quest
- you can't add mastercapes to the keepsakeboxes.
- If you drop a valueable item you get a message to confirm that you want to drop it.
-crystal pickaxe and hatchet are now useable
-spawned masteer capes interface + sum obelisk at home and holiday portal
-wc,fish,smith,mine,cook mastercapes nowe have ability's, just some basic stuff having not much inspiration
-Fixed a bug where the record would overwrite the players name and amount by null/0.
-Finished the quest complete interface for the lost pirates, rocktailsoup recipe
-added automaton combat
-added spawns for them aswel + added some small dialogues in the cave.
-added wealthcal interface
-added construction interface
-added preset interface
-added potion interface
-Fixed mastercapes interface
-arcane resting and zen resting added
-updated sol rewards, cause wtf fucking copper ore,fishing bait and cabbages??
-Added dummy's
-dummy's don't respawn back anymore
-made a custom dung boss, world groger. has some special attacks like taking your soul and you need to reclaim it it heal back etc..
-another custom boss, which spawns skelettons
-added double exp tokens which stay after server logs or when the players logs off
-started on jadinko's lair.
-vine chopping done
-item crafting done.
-Redone fletching
-afk timer, which logs out players after 5min without moving their mouse. to prevent accounts from getting stuck after crash
-Worked on a new custom boss prehestorical abyssal
-dominion crossbow now useable
-you now can create spider legs and all the noxious weapons
-started on sirenic crafting
-gave the prehistoric abysal drops
-money bags now give money.
-updated the prehistorical abyssal, new npc and new place. drops spawns somewhere else
-added keybinds,players can now close interfaces with the "esc" button, delete button will remove your whole inventory and the home button will teleport you to the home.
-players can nowe enable and disable key binds
-potion timers now work for prayer renewalls,anitfire,anitpotions and overload
-Item degrading, players can now see the percentage of their item. noxious weapons now degrade also +chaotic
-Added some new attacks to the custom boss
-sirenic crafting
-ancient ashes can now be burried, powertokens are stackable.
- finished the pets interface, every bosspets is now summable. Players can get these pets by killing bosses every 100 kills 1% increase.
-Strarted on legendary pets: alchemy and banking and geetting drops from death npc's
-new pets added, frosty,fluffie,prototype,mini blink.
-updated legendary pets, now have levels and can level up. new feature added
-fixed some herblore bugs, only overload bug need to get fixed.
-added record interface
-ovl bug fixed
-Airut bones can now be burried
-Glass blowing added 99%
- Armadyl orb creation
- when you click an dragonbane kit, you now get a dialogue with the item you can use it on.
-player can now split vine whip.
-godswords dismantle are done
-players now leave their house when they log off, caused memory probs
12/5 today will be all construction
-Added more windows and walls for the house. Now every style should have windows.
-Throne room is now supported.
-Formal garden is now supported
-Dungeons + dungeon traps are now supported, summoning room is now supported + costume room
-Fixed the 3th roof, someone put the wring id in it 235 should be 236
-you now need a watercan to plant plants in your garden
-players can now pick to where their portals go.
-shelves now have a dialogue
-players can now sit on thrones
- started on a slave program, players can send a slave every hour to a resource gathering and get the loot after one hour. supporrts fishing, woodcutting and mining. Slayer will be done later
-GE shortcut added
-kuradel dungeon shortcuts
-bane ore is now mineable
- players can now send their slaves to kill monsters. can choose between 3 monsters
-players can now upgrade the tools from their slave and armour
-slave food use
-did the trails on the slaves
-wildy manager now has the right chat id, + added revenants shop to make revanants more profitable
-brawling gloves effect added
-wildy lava sharks added, can be fished + damage when you are not wearing ice gloves
- ice warriors,giant bat, death wing, some zombies, greater demon, black demon, added all kalphite creatures with animations + kq,daganoths+ dag mother. now have attack and death animation
-when you enter the godwars dungeon it now does the right animation and starts the controler
-godwars npc now attack you when you are not wearing the right items suchs as bandos zamorak etc
-players now lose their kc when they leave
-all dungeoneering prayer amulets now work.
-revenants will now drop brawling gloves
-forin brace now works for revenants
-reworked my instances a bit
- added ironman + trophee sprite for record holders
-Started on the prestige guild
-ring of wealth gives increased drop rates
-donators have extra drop rate
-everytime you prestige your droprate increase with 0.1
-players can now sell their artifacs
-players can now make flask glass
-flask crafting added
-started on a email confirmation/
-did some more on the email stuff, now generates a random code from letters and numbers, code check. Custom email can be send
-started on a present thing, where online players get presents every random hour or two (idea from a rust server)
-comp and max cape teleports
-you can now remove your item in the bonus interface. Small bug with the bank interface going to fix that soon
-bows can now shoot p arrows, noxious bow works now
guthan effect added.
blood furry now heals you. todo bloodneck blood charges
spears do more damage against corp
hybrid minigame set effect added.
-slayer helm effect added
-fixed the bug where player couldn't attack an npc if they did not stand face to face. was wrong handled in the playercombat, still some small bugs thou.
-added gfx to the blood furry heal
-gave all master capes stats + ascensions
-bug fixed where items from hunter did not appear in your inventory.
-grenwalls now give herbs
-when leveling up hunter it now displays the hunter icon instead of the dungeoneering icon.
-boosted rate of cathing hunter npcs
-hunter added to bot.
-blood necks now use charges
-spawned elder tree in wilderness, can now be cut.
-added blood tree and drame tree to woodcutting
-dragon crossbow can now be made
-ascendri,bakramil & bloodwood bolts + slayer bolts and arrows fletchable
-crystal tree spawned in the wilderness and can be cut
-added karils pistols + ahrims wand to barrows loot
-players now now spawn summoning familiars, bug todo familiars don't go away after dismissing
-bug almost fixed, had something to do with the animation i guess
-teleports to crystal tree and elder tree added.
- the wilderness controler now starts when you tp to the wildernes
-fixed the gate in the wilderness
-fxied necrolord combat
-when you open your armour tab you can now check the charges of your items
-charms are now dropped different, removed useless charms like talon etc. now more rarely and not every kill.
-charming imp done, players can select which charm they want and whihc not
-ring of wealth special drops done
-chamring imp,bonecrusher, gold collecter can't be equiped. they were send to a wrong armour space (rs3 interface which we don't have)
-Gave all noxious bows combat stats
-added skilling teleport interface
-killing the necrolord now removes the skelletons
-thok now can create a celestial staff for you, you need the 4 necrolord staffs.
-skelletons of the necrolord won't respawn anymore
-made barrows more profitable
-elder logs can now be fletched, you can also make note paper from it.
a-elder trees now are harder to chop
-elder bow added to the combat list
-added boss teleport interface, has some bugs (need to redo it, background should be x = 10 not 0..)
-silverhawk boots effect added
-changed master command, no longer gives you max exp, just enough for 99
-server now logs which item option you click on
started on kiln damage dealt for the kiln capes
-added an aray in for the seedicider to declare which seeds you want and which not.
-started on a poll system, todo name check
-based poll system done
-added print screen tool
-can't wear the seedicider
-added dialogue to the seedicider, not done
-fixed the ladder at dks
-added dyes, and some new items to elite clue scrolls. third-age also added to hard and elite and hard clues
-redcuced the amount fo clues you had to do to get a reward, clues will now be more attractive
-clue scroll rewards now show on the interface
-removed the whole loop from the crystal chest
-redid the crystal chest loot, now gives more usefull things
-working on chinchonpa ranged, almost done, todo: remove gfx from all the target, let it remove from equipment
-fixed chins
-fixed ovl not giving extra stats
-started on a small quest at home where you need to bring supplies to someone to enter his dungeon. after you do this you can enter the celestial dungeonµ
-there are now 5 different death animations with gfx, which the player will randomly get when he dies
-home teleport is now arcane teleport
-added zen resting and arcane resting
-added donator commands
-added arcane cooking
-fixed item on object, was blocked by a bad packed.
-added partyhat firemaking
-updated bones on altar emote to the current emote
-portable range now gives bonus exp while cooking and has a 5% chanche of doubling ur product (like in the real game)
-increased the duration of portables by 5x
-fxid the perk of the smithing cape
-added some more teleports to the skilling teleport interface
-crematation added (bones on fire)
-cyrstal tree shards now (re)spawn every hour
-removed home welcome message
-started on spirit gems
°spirit gems now display how much charges they have left
° you can only have gem active
° todo fix bug where you get more pouches than charms
-started on prifindas thieving
-made an small enum with dinivation whisps
-spawned celestial dragons
-finished hiddentrapdoor
-gave yani a dialogue
-started on getrude, she spawns every 3/5 hour randomly first person can unluck a kitten.
-added super saradomin brews
-players can now make saradomin brews
-you need to unlock the recepie b4 you can make them
-started on loyalty system,
°added tokens
°every half hour you get 250 tokens
°made a dialogue for xuan
°nothing going to use the interface.
-added playtime counter
-players can claim loyalty crown every 7 days they play, goes up 2 10 weeks
-decreased the amount of power tokens you get from skilling
-reworking farming
°flower patch done
-you can now charge ur blood neck
-powertokens and godbooks are not tradebale
-started on godbooks
-cleaned itemconstants a bit
-god books can now be filled
-can preach
°todo find animations for ancient and bandos
-runespan controller now works
-infinity ethereal armour now grand you free movement throu runespan +exp bonus in runespan
-noods are now also spawned in runespan
-now logs the amount of creatures you have siphoned
-new challange, siphon 250 creatures = teleport to med and high level runespan
-changed the spawn locations of noods a bit cause some were bugged spawned
-blood ethereal armour now grands double blood runes while crafted + exp boost
-you can store 6 essences in your blood ethereal outfit
-disabled defence emote because it caused lagg so you couldn't ran away
-int in settings where you can add the npc's who can't respawn
-changed the combat animations back to 718, because the eoc combat emotes looked horrible and where out of sinc
-item destroy option added
-added more teleports top the skilling and pvm teleports
-raid place is now multi
-raid npc's don't respawn anymore
-removed random spawned objects/npcs from the server
-runespan updates
°creatures now give points + noodes 2
°started on runespan point shop, not the same as in rs.
-law and death ethereal armour now also stores pure ess
-removed the null bug at the specate panel
-made a dialogue with commonly asked questions
-bamboo ladders are now climbable
-removed spam messages from necrolord
-disabled teleport attack from necrolord since it bugged a lot
-gfx showns when you wear an item that's degradable
-now displays render emote when openening equipment bonus screen credits to andreas!
-i think i fixed the spawn bug
-added dragon pick (g) mining animations
-right click health cure posion
-added slayer dart with reqs
-changed home
-added runecrafting altar teletabs
started on a 830 item editor, works only need to make the item list appear
-ring of life now has his effect
-defence master cape now has a ring of life passive
-master ranged cape now has the ava's effect
-fixed the spawn bug for real this time, was due some codes i riped from hyperion, lesson = check it
-players can now see how much kills the owner of a pet has just by clicking on it
-added chaos element pet and dark lord
-you can now make battlestaves
-started on boss pet dialogues, bandos,arma and zamorak done. takes quite some time...
-master attack cape perk added
-owners can now hit higher than cap damage
-blinks drops have been revamped, now drops hybrid armour
-added dungeoneering arrows gfx
-fixed corp safespotting
-prayer master cape now has a message
-added nex pet dialogue
°special dialogue when wearing a zyrte bow
°special dialogue when you are at the nex room
°special dialogue when you are ate the gwd room
° + 3 other random dialogues
-players their join date now gets logged
-fixed the bug where new players get messages from their slaves which they hadn't bought op
-fixed the chathead of the look changer
-fixed my item editor
-changed the layout abit
-changed the equiptype from seedicider bonecrusher, charming imp, sign of life to the auro spot. they were send to equipid 17 which does not exist in 718 servers
-sign of life effect added
-added slayer teleport tabs
-added dwarf traders
-removed some items who gave falls thieving bonusses
-added thieving teleport dialogue
-charms now have an upgrade function
-coins now have a drop-x option
-gathered some information for pyramid plunder
-started on urns, fishing urns crafting done
-fixed the issue where the the runespan controler was removed after teleporting to runespan
-skill of the hour, every hour there's another skill where you get double exp in
-added the correct attack animations of abyssal demons + spec where they teleport
-added prifddinas thieving
-added wall cracks thieving
-added burthope agility
-added a class for holiday events
°finished love notes
°finished present spawns for xmas
°presents combining and opening
-added master thiefs in the wilderness, afk thieving like elves
-added bob barter the decant npc
-the destroy option will now show the amount of the item you want to destroy instead of only 1
-used hyperions leathercrafting was way more propper.
-added sirenic crafting the right way
-when examingen an item you now get the high alch value
-master thieves now can remove you from their castle
-cash bags now remove when using
-added slayer masks to sof
-shout action of slayer masks now work
-slayer helmets can now be upgraded in the slayer shop
-worked a bit more on the slayer shop
-slayer tabs can be crafted by using a slayer gem + chisel
-hydrix gems can now be cut
-samid's gloves effect added; TODO: charges and gfx
-started on darts throwing projectiles, found dragon darts
-players can now get an abyssal orb and wand as drop
-players can now lookup npc drops and search for specials items
-slayer helm kills left option added
-fixed slayergem not showing the correct task + right chat head
-added bolt enchanting
-revamped legendary pet exp system
-removed armadyl battlestaf from drop tabel of glacors, added shards instead
-added wine of saradomin to the saradomin boss
-protean leather(hides) crafting added
-added smithing area at home
-players can get ancient fragments from a pickaxe while mining
-added skilling crates with can be looted
-check rescources option works on skilling crates
-added a new npc at the smithing area where players can find more info about gilding pickaxes and a special pickaxe
-lamps exp are now boosted by the server exp rate
-added agility,hunter,combat,crafting and fletching potion effect. idk why they weren't there
-pollmanger now works
-drygores are now degradeable
-made 2 new interfaces in photoshop
-started on sql connections.
-server now saves the amount of people who have the max,fire and tok cape in a database
-added starter interface
-added another new interface
-server intro almost done
-added item kits like orns etc..
-split option added.
-made a dialogue for zaria
-players can now see how much master capes there are in game
-oyster pearls are now craftable
-first click option of cyrstal key parts now work
-changed the prices of the power token store+ added more items.
-there's now an item which collects power tokens
-removed usless drops from nex
-added new cape interface for max and comp cape etc.
-forget to log
-added drop counter interface
-added the working dyes, everything is now support like rs3, use silk to remove
-rock cake added
-oyser pearls can now be opened
-added master quest cape
-added rune dragons, todo texture
-new interface
-redoing the master cape inter
-cleaned the server output
-worked on my editor, more detailed object editor
-started working on the donator room ( i edidted "dz" pits with iron pits aswell as celests. lots of room for liam)
-added object renaming in the client
-refactored the client a bit
-added home teleports
-added stalls at home
-added some decoration at home
-added maxer npc
-added brian at home near bank. will be converting into paolo welcome npc.if brian is not used else where. by liam
-added man at home for level one thieving. by liam
-added some npc such ass celestal drags and pit iron drags in dz. left room for rune drags by liam
-added ring (i) 15016 made into a god ring. (FOR TESTING PURPOSES ONLY WILL DELETE ON RELEASE) by liam
-added revs in the wildy imps and hbogoblins in low, orc,darks,drags in mid/high. by liam
-added ::td command for tomrented demons that i placed in a dungeon. by liam
-added :ragrev will be making donors only. area. this will take you to a room with dragon revenants. by liam
-added some boxes to block off a tunnel to mutants. from donor area :ragrev.
-redone the preset system, still need to be tested
-updated bank right click options
-added more commands
-players can now see their saved presets
-disbaled collecting interface, since there's no use for it atm.
-changed the price of some items
-lava sharks can now be shred
-updated wildy chest rewards
-added old armour looks for; bronze,iron,mithril,adamant and rune
-added expert cape, same as a master cape but different symbol
-added new client loading background
-removed runescape logo form the client
-verry small begin at the sailing skill
-added more things 2 the zaria dialogue
-fixed a bug with the spectate panel which causes players to freez
-changed the name of the control panel + redid the sprites because they were done very badly
-added a second page to the monster teleports, todo buttonhandler
-added new shops at home
-crosbows now load old model looks, old dds look
-made frostyscache editor load my cache, better than my editor
-will be making donator commands today. which only donors can use.
-need to find the rune dragon correct id. then will use npc editor
-added rune draggons in donor zone with combat deffinitions.
-added celestal in donor zone.
-dropbox isnt syncing correctly (cant sync "main_file_cache.idx255") (permissions denied) - fixed
-added objects in the donatorzone extreme teleport.
-added rocktails,cavefish,magic tree,rune ore,anvils,furnace,bankbooth.
-refactored npc defs a bit client sided
-whenever you examine a npc you see his drops
-started on rots
-refactored class 346 a bit
-client snow can now be toggled
-rots walls are now clipped
-added npc at home who can convert armor into oldschool armor looks, atm supports bronze... dragon
-dark lord damage increase fixed
-found combat upcode
-now only npcs with a combat level have the check drop option
-client zooming has been added, use: shift+ mousewheel
-tok-har capes now have stats
-snow disables shiny effect of items
-added some donor stalls in normal donor zone.
-added genstore in normal donator zone for the thieving stalls.
-godswords are now convertable to old looks
-added new store to extreme donors Of donor miner.
-had to remove my dialogue due to inflictions with another value.
-added the website which isnt finished yet to button handler.
-edited the general panel changed panel name to ZariaX and added Co-Owner.
-finished araxxi.(16000hp now) drops better items such as 3rd age dye drgore barrows and drygore rapier 3rd age.
-deleted araxxi. edited donors rune dragons to drop above. on a 2.0 chance.
-tweaked celestal dragon a little making it harder and more rare drops of 0.01 chance. this can be found in rune dragon pit
-made a working and correct animation arraxi for ever one to fight. with a lenghty drop list.
-arraxxor combat deffintions arnt sticking if possible delete packed spawns for me paolo.
-once done i want your opion on where to put it.
-found the console write methode
-started on the client special features
-fixed the check drops option, now uses less memory + werks for every npc
-arraxor is full functional now. fixed all animations. drops etc.
-added zeke donator shop in dz.
-added ecto tokens to rune dragon drop of drop rate of 90% dropping 5-10, for zeke donors shop.
-scounting out a area for arraxxor to be placed, with portal interface teleport to arraxxor.
-new area ::arax teleports you to dungeon which is quite spacious may add little spiders also changed attack of arraxor to special and now can hit 1200
-ineed to add ::arax in home portal interface. maybe make a section for op boss list.
paolo can you add in arax for me in the portal.
-gnome/burthope/barbarian agility laps now get logged
-advanced cours now get logged
-removed a lot from the source
-added max/comp/comp(t) reqs check
-fixed dark lord
-Convince Paolo Not to Quit. Because He knows More Than He Thinks He Does.
-fixed nex portal
-fixed 3bosses which had fucked options
-moved world gorger coords
- fixed transparentcy. need to fixx lights the a bit pixelated now and the shine from objects.
-redid world gorger drops
-now an achievement to mine redstone: limit is 70 each day
-potion timers not get removed when you die
-when you die you now respawn back at home
-removed those stupid ecto tokens idk who added that
-replaced the combat definitions with an old backup, the whole file wad fucked and don't want to look in 10k line for a error
-dks now have the right animatios + gfx
-glass machine now has a extra right click option for combinations flasks
-while mining redstone there's a 20% chance you get a crystal-flecked redstone
-made a scroll where you can teleport too an saved location; todo--> controler check
-fixed a bug where money was not removed from the pouch
-started on a custom quest, speak to Zaria aka fame
--> todo: finish dialogue where you get the rewards etc
-updated necrolord drops
-finished end boss for the quest
-quest done= reward; curses prayer
-old rune 2h models loaded ; todo recolour
-old dragon pick + all other pick
-old dragon hatchet
-removed ecto-tokens from some npc's
-added crystal chackram
-removd al the strange drops from runite dragons
-added them in the wildy
-added normal skillcape shop
-added thieving master cape perk
-updated squeel
-added al slayer tower models, so the slayetowner is now visbale again
-fixed the bug with farming aswell, so farming works now finnaly!!
-godwars dungeon is now like the real 718's
-loaden 718 npc's with rs3 npcs
-superior tetsu now has stats
-spawned godwars npcs
-fixed a lot of animtions from npc's
-redid summoning
-if your combat level is under 50 you get easier slayer tasks
-added home tour dialogue
-added npc monster info interface
-fixed teleport interface
-partly fixed the food bug, where you couldn't run when you eat. still buggy thou
-added torstol gloves effect
-added blood runes gloves effect
-added new hard task
-loaded 865 items aswell
-Fixed the food bug 100%
-spawned edimmu's in the elite dungeon
-every monster in the elite dungeon drops a different kind of tip, which you can add to the boots from glacors
-would like to add a item/weapon that is only obtainable through time spent ingame like loyalty. and no other server has it.
i could prob make one if i can find a editor.
- sea troll queen added in seatrollqueen tele. need testing.
-fixed a bug with the gwd killcounts
-fixed gwd teleport to the wrong location
-added gwd soulstone effects which require no kc to enter the room.
-now removes the gwd interface upon teleporting
-sea troll queen has now an area, + basic combat, drops spawn on land not in the water
-started on redoing the perk system
*you now need to destroy wealthy items to get those perk points to unlock perks (kinda like invention)
*so items like armadyl buckler etc have a purpose
-added crystal axe defs
-players can now create crystal items
-pickaxes and axes can now be added to the toolbelt
-started on wildy achievements
-blood furry healing and charge consuming done
-farming cape ability added, you get noted items instead of normal items while harvesting
-made a class for itemOptions handling, looks better and buttonhandler is not a mess anymore
-first click option at gems working now
-soul amulet can now be crafted
-drop warnings can now be toggled
-fixed a bug with the bonefires
-removed some text from the login screen
-started on a interface for cosmetics and titles
-trees in the donator zone will not be transformed into a stump
-added corporealpuppy dialogue
-added kingblackdragonling dialogue
-added ellie dialogue
-started on boss pet overrides
-coins and power tokens can not be stored
-new interface
-fixed the bug with the summoning familiars not getting called
- bunyip passive healing effect added
-fixed pack yak winter storage
-did some fixes on the server introduction
-fixed dragoonn cannon setup
-fixed a lot of messy code
-added lucky potion effect
-added lucky potion recipe
-added custom dragon crossbow
-added wilderness bow
*best bow ingame
*can only be used in the wilderness
*when you die with it you lose everything
-added dragonpick to kbd droptable
-death touch darts have been added
-new slayer rewards
* you can now add donecrusher, herbicide, gold accumulator to your toolbelt
-redid note paper, now works as it should
-note paper creation is reduced from 15 to 3 per log
-master command now only gives 14m exp
-reaper task have been added
*only for maxed out people
-did some home decoration xd
-bird nest will now be dropped while wootcutting and can be looted
-sirenic / tectonic crafting redone
-crystal and potion flaks crafting done
-inferno adze effect added
-potions can now be decant to eachother
-same for flasks
-todo potions into flasks
-added combination potion creation (only the ones i'm going to use)
-added ascencions
-fix dark lord bug, with double spawn
-redid combat, is now with rs3 animations since the old animations looked bugged
-almost every 90+ weapon has stats now
-fixed error messages with potion decanting
-fixed the bug where items transformed while equipping; cause: random old sheat mothod from idk which time
-hunter master cape perk added, will increase box time by 10 times
-input scripts now get closed when walking away, credits 2 hellman
-prices now get loaded from the cache
-you now have a attack emote while wearing no weapons
-redid some shops
-botanist set bonus exp added
-fix appearance with gloves
-you can now see the stats of an item while clikcing check stats
-malevolent armour crafting added
-cleaned the code from the slayertabs
-updates home defender quest a bit
-yak stick hunter effect added
-redid hunter a bit
-added a new medium task
-worked more on the perk interface
-you can now block slayer tasks
-redid the slayer interface a bit
-changed some npcs amounts for slayer tasks
-offhand animations done for melee, and crossbows
-you can now charge you silverhaw boots, and check the amount of charges
-worked on avaryss combat system, like 90% done
-barbarian fishing added
-fixed catching delay, you won't get a full inv of sharks in 1min lol
-global countings now get written 2 a file instead of the database(makes it easier and cheaper 2 host)
*logs npc kills
*npc drops
*master capes + some special capes
-redid potion timers, they now are counter per minute
-removed a lot of stuff
-added a class for handling points (like slayer and vote points)
-started on currency pouch interface
-money pouch now has a curreny pouch option
-currency pouch interface added
-finished pointsManager
-forget 2 log oops
-new achievements interface added
+ redid the whole interface class
-Currency pouch interface added
-elite dungeon is now unlockable
-fixed wooductting message from ivys
-loyalty shop done
-powertokenshop done
-fixed cyrstal items
-fixed achievements inter
-fixed drop nulpointer
-added warning with cosmetics
-fixed examine close button
-fixed barrows objects
-added new achievements
-zaria now opens power token shop
-updated cyrstal chest loot
-redid dragonstone armor
-fixed donator crowns
-bought map client
-fixed walking bug
-fixed object bug
started on port
-redid second teleport page (now has more 865 teleports)
-fixed cape counting
npc clicking bug fixed
automatoms added
-fix coins and charms
-fixed home gate
-wilderness course now has a level req
-fixed drop pickup
-fixed magic shop
-rewrote the whole slave stuff was written so bad lol
-fixed charm drops from the sea troll queen
-added messages when clicking an Item
-fixed portean items
-fixed alchemy prices
-removed unused items from shops
-added plank making and super heating
-fixed prices for; black/mithril and infinity sets
-slayer task level fixed
-get slayer option added
-fixed slayer interface
-silverhawks nerfed + emote added
-redid teleport interface
-fixed slaves
-power tokens increased
-fixed effigy, skills now get locked + right emotes
-increased dung exp
-get more runes now
-added more items to the shop
-nerfed desert damage
-more teleports added
-slave interface added
-fixed hunter leveling icon
-hydrix gem crafting emote added
-added new enchating emotes
-added orb chargin, supports every element
-updated bolts enchanting emote
-protean logs are now craftable
23/4 forget to log again, prob missed so much lol
-redid the whole player shops
-fixed darklord objects
-fixed slayergate animations
-added more items to shops
-fixed blood eth set
-added blink into the wildy
-made a lot of item untradeable
-fixed double slayer points effect
-added another spotlight
-updated tasktasb, new get refrezshed when you click
-added serreb stones
-fixed bug with mapbuilder
-added ape a tol
-added corrupted ore
-added protean bars
-fixed barrwos chest loot
-added lava flowmine
-added some npc anomations
-fix charming imp drop bug
-added construiction shop at the portal of poh
-fixed double drops events
-added loading screen when joining your house
-rewrote the whole slave class
-rewrote the whole springcleaner class
-rewrote daily tasks, base is from hch47 thx to him
-did more on achievements
--Started on dungeoneering
-map loading done
-binding done
-npc spawns done
-item spawn begin done
- nodes spawn almost done (needs bufs)
-dung mining done
-dung foods added
-started on runecrafting
6/5 once again not logging lol
-added perk interface
-perk class done
-fixed bugs with the shops where you couldnt buy certain amount
-added blink and gave him drops
-pot timers now get removed when you die, also get removed when they are done
-fixed springcleaner
-fixed siverhawk feathers
-rewrote boss pet system
-added pickaxe gildingµ
-slayermasks done
-starter on a title handler
-fixed dung master cape emote
-added boss timers (how fast you kill the boss)
-add inter for boss timers
-added hof interface
-puro puro added
-fixed the bank equipment bonusses bug
-rewrote cosmeticshandler + keepsake keys
7/7 once again didn't log much
-rewrote wildy events
-finished wily bow
-introduced wily perks
-redid console panel
-fixed some interfaces
-started on player owned ports
-Player owned port crew is now almost done (only need to to the level system)
-slayer shop fixed the reassing option (you now can only reassing if you have a task)
-final boss check added in (atleast 2000 boss kills + you need 100 kills in everyboss)
-interface for house styles done (players can now change their housestyle (still buggy))
- Rise of the six
*Party system done

- Barbarian fishing will now be prioritized over harpoon fishing when fishing Shark, Swordfish and Tuna. If a player wants to fish with a harpoon, they must bring another one in the inventory.
- Fixed a random null point when killing an npc, the game would think you were in fight caves

-bonus exp config found and added (todo make check) ~DONE[HASSAN]
-Started on pendants

- Started on a new 'gambling game'; "GuessTheCode"
- GuessTheCode done
- The config 2044 (Bonus EXP) will now only appear if you are receiving more xp than usual

- Started on reworking brawling gloves
- fixed a bugg which cause amulets not showing when equipped
- Pendants
*picking which skill you would like to transform it
*Exp calc
*pendant removing after exp is 0
*added to sof
-fixed another null point when killing npcs (senddrop null check for killer because npcs can kill npcs aswell)
-Godwars updates
*Npcs from different factions now attack eachother
*Players won't get attack if they wear an Item of that faction( nex armor counts for everything)
*TODO fix npc animations
-fixed sof bug where stackable items only gave less than 10( example less than 10 protean bars)
-removed sof rewards from
-made quickspin option (buy spins button) trying to change the button soon
-fixed sof bug where certain items didn't bank

- Brawling gloves done
- Tested and fixed for any bugs
- Perfected a formula for config 2044 (bonus XP config), before it glitched with items that were below 100%
- Added Item dialogue option (quick item dialogue = SimpleItemMessage : params : Item + message)
- fixed pendant message showing every time.
- started on herblore habitat
-Fruit tree patch added

-added plant trap
-jadinko's added to hunterNpc enum
-rewrote the hunter enums partly (were just int arrays with values , idk who did it but bad af)
-started on herblore habitat farm patches
-climable vines done (need to find better climb emote)
-draconic are now only for donators
-fixed bug where jadinko's didn't walk
-jungle trees can now be cutted
-fixed bug where players would get 2 logs instead of 1
-wishing well patch added
-donators now start at wave 30 of fight caves and 11 in fight kiln
-jadinko's now have a chance of dropiing wishing well seeds
-fixed sof coin amount
-SOF: removed world message for lamps
-removed like 20+ useless construction files, idk what they were doing there but was an old and bad written system.
- added donator info panel
- donators now get extra spins
-increased quick teleports to 10
-Artisan workshop rewards added (cannon upgrade + auto refill)
-complete new achievement system (easy to use 100x better than my previous which i deleted )
-added a lot of new achievements
-added a quick-offer option to the prayer altar
-Added quick cook added (campfire at home)
-donators can now toggle their icon
-donator can change their own spawn tile
-when you receiving rare loot from an lootbox it will be counted in the global counter
-fixed bug with master cape dialogue
-strarted on master cape emotes
-ice wolf animations and drops added
-fixed bug with quick cooking
-sarted on kalphite king combat
-kalphite king can now be instanced
-cleaned out interfacemanager
-cleaned player examine, now also displays in another tab
-instances should look better now
-gargoyle combat finished
-players can now unlock rock hammer addinng 2 toolbelt
-added some objects to the donator zone
-added donator hunter spot + celestial dragons for them
-pool of restoration added in the donator zone
-added vine whip special attack
-added key finder perk
-added more achievements
-tris keys added
-added expert cape and reqs
-added slayer tasks for combat > 50 && < 100
-added more oldschool looks
-added add to toolbelt option to the rockhammer
-added dung map icon
-rewrote gano crafting
-added new achievements
-fixed dung entrance interfaces partly
-fixed dung invite tab
-Upgraded client and server to 887
-Fixed maxhit bug from npc's with no definition
-fixed construction (options changed)
-fixed construction options spawn (options changed, so checks were wrong)
-pets can now be stored inside your house and will be spawned in free mode
-preset button added to the bank

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