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Joined: 2021-09-29
Quote fromRuneLister on November 16, 2021, 5:28 pm
Please note that most, if not all 'fresh, unranked, level 30 accounts' are levelled via bots, which is against Riots T.O.S. Meaning, these accounts may be banned at any time by Riot. Bans are rare, but they can occur. Purchase at your own risk.As of late, the frequency of accounts being banned has increased. Again, purchase at your own risk, knowing these accounts may be banned at any time.
Please note that most, if not all 'fresh, unranked, level 30 accounts' are levelled via bots, which is against Riots T.O.S. Meaning, these accounts may be banned at any time by Riot. Bans are rare, but they can occur. Purchase at your own risk.As of late, the frequency of accounts being banned has increased. Again, purchase at your own risk, knowing these accounts may be banned at any time.