63 Posts
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Joined: 2021-09-29
Quote fromRuneLister on November 21, 2021, 3:35 pm
All posts in this section must follow these section rules
- False or Misleading Advertising: Your threads must be accurate and updated promptly to reflect your actual prices/offers. If you advertise an offer significantly different to your actual prices then this is false advertising.
- You must notify your customer if you are outsourcing your trade.
- We only recognize vouches from RuneLister.com in your title. Any other vouches can be placed in your thread but must state where they are from and provide a link.
Additional Information:
- It is strongly recommended to include your specific server in your title as well as your accepted payment methods.
[Mail/WU/Paypal] [Faerlina] Selling 5K Gold- Confirm who you are speaking with if trading over Discord. Understand how the unique ID works and double check it before trading at all times. Follow this guide.
Furthermore, all sections follow our global RuneLister rules which can be found here.
All posts in this section must follow these section rules
- False or Misleading Advertising: Your threads must be accurate and updated promptly to reflect your actual prices/offers. If you advertise an offer significantly different to your actual prices then this is false advertising.
- You must notify your customer if you are outsourcing your trade.
- We only recognize vouches from RuneLister.com in your title. Any other vouches can be placed in your thread but must state where they are from and provide a link.
Additional Information:
- It is strongly recommended to include your specific server in your title as well as your accepted payment methods.
[Mail/WU/Paypal] [Faerlina] Selling 5K Gold - Confirm who you are speaking with if trading over Discord. Understand how the unique ID works and double check it before trading at all times. Follow this guide.
Furthermore, all sections follow our global RuneLister rules which can be found here.