94 Posts
Warning level
Joined: 2021-11-11
Quote fromDavid on November 16, 2021, 4:57 pm
All posts in this section must follow these section rules
- You may sell names, items or anything that doesn't fit in the other WoW Classic categories in this section.
- False or Misleading Advertising: Your threads must be accurate and updated promptly to reflect your actual prices/offers. If you advertise an offer significantly different to your actual prices then this is false advertising.
- You must notify your customer if you are outsourcing your trade.
- We only recognize vouches from RuneLister.com in your title. Any other vouches can be placed in your thread but must state where they are from and provide a link.
Additional Information:
- Confirm who you are speaking with if trading over Discord. Understand how the unique ID works and double check it before trading at all times. Follow this guide.
- If you have been scammed, please make a report here.
Furthermore, all sections follow our global RuneLister rules which can be found here.
All posts in this section must follow these section rules
- You may sell names, items or anything that doesn't fit in the other WoW Classic categories in this section.
- False or Misleading Advertising: Your threads must be accurate and updated promptly to reflect your actual prices/offers. If you advertise an offer significantly different to your actual prices then this is false advertising.
- You must notify your customer if you are outsourcing your trade.
- We only recognize vouches from RuneLister.com in your title. Any other vouches can be placed in your thread but must state where they are from and provide a link.
Additional Information:
- Confirm who you are speaking with if trading over Discord. Understand how the unique ID works and double check it before trading at all times. Follow this guide.
- If you have been scammed, please make a report here.
Furthermore, all sections follow our global RuneLister rules which can be found here.