63 Posts
Warning level
Joined: 2021-09-29
Quote fromRuneLister on November 15, 2021, 10:20 pm
All posts in this section must follow these section rules
- You may only trade RuneScape 3 items for currency.
- Luring a RuneLister user is strictly forbidden.
- A staff member can request verification of a RuneScape item at any time. In such case, the seller would have to show them the item in a trade window on RuneScape.
Additional Information:
- Be aware of users trying to get you to trade at unique locations. Luring is a constant threat in RuneScape 3, this can be done through several methods by trade, staking, dropping and killing your character in a dangerous area [wilderness]. Always request trades in a well known area such as The Grand Exchange or Lumbridge.
- Confirm who you are speaking with if trading over Discord. Understand how the unique ID works and double check it before trading at all times. Follow this guide.
- Check the report a scammer section before trading someone large amounts of RuneScape gold.
- Take screenshots of usernames you trade including the chat you get it from.
- If you have been scammed, please make a report here.
Furthermore, all sections follow our global RuneLister rules which can be found here.
All posts in this section must follow these section rules
- You may only trade RuneScape 3 items for currency.
- Luring a RuneLister user is strictly forbidden.
- A staff member can request verification of a RuneScape item at any time. In such case, the seller would have to show them the item in a trade window on RuneScape.
Additional Information:
- Be aware of users trying to get you to trade at unique locations. Luring is a constant threat in RuneScape 3, this can be done through several methods by trade, staking, dropping and killing your character in a dangerous area [wilderness]. Always request trades in a well known area such as The Grand Exchange or Lumbridge.
- Confirm who you are speaking with if trading over Discord. Understand how the unique ID works and double check it before trading at all times. Follow this guide.
- Check the report a scammer section before trading someone large amounts of RuneScape gold.
- Take screenshots of usernames you trade including the chat you get it from.
- If you have been scammed, please make a report here.
Furthermore, all sections follow our global RuneLister rules which can be found here.