Quote fromRuneLister on November 16, 2021, 1:47 pm
All posts in this section must follow these section rules
- This section is only for RuneScape Private server accounts.
- The selling of hacked, cracked, and phished accounts is strictly forbidden and will result in a ban.
- You must clearly state if you are the original owner or not before trading. Users are free to ask who the original owner is before trading.
- An explicit refund and returns policy must be defined by the seller and agreed upon by the buyer (in writing) before a sale occurs.
- Users may only have one thread in this section, if you wish to buy and sell accounts you will need to merge the threads together.
Account threads MUST display the follow information or they will be locked:
A screenshot of the account's levels (Example) - unless levels can be edited on your server
A screenshot of the account's wealth [If specified] (Example)
A screenshot of the donor status [If specified] (Example)Additional Information:
- Accounts can ALWAYS be recovered, please keep this in mind when buying an account.
- Private server staff view these forums, you should protect any unique identifying information about your account such as: Exact experience amounts, voting point balance, total levels, username.
- If another user is out to find your in game name for the sole purpose of reporting you to the server management, please report them here.
- If you have been scammed, please make a report here.
Furthermore, all sections follow our global RuneLister rules which can be found here.
All posts in this section must follow these section rules
- This section is only for RuneScape Private server accounts.
- The selling of hacked, cracked, and phished accounts is strictly forbidden and will result in a ban.
- You must clearly state if you are the original owner or not before trading. Users are free to ask who the original owner is before trading.
- An explicit refund and returns policy must be defined by the seller and agreed upon by the buyer (in writing) before a sale occurs.
- Users may only have one thread in this section, if you wish to buy and sell accounts you will need to merge the threads together.
Account threads MUST display the follow information or they will be locked:
A screenshot of the account's levels (Example) - unless levels can be edited on your server
A screenshot of the account's wealth [If specified] (Example)
A screenshot of the donor status [If specified] (Example)
Additional Information:
- Accounts can ALWAYS be recovered, please keep this in mind when buying an account.
- Private server staff view these forums, you should protect any unique identifying information about your account such as: Exact experience amounts, voting point balance, total levels, username.
- If another user is out to find your in game name for the sole purpose of reporting you to the server management, please report them here.
- If you have been scammed, please make a report here.
Furthermore, all sections follow our global RuneLister rules which can be found here.