63 Posts
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Joined: 2021-09-29
Quote fromRuneLister on November 16, 2021, 12:59 pm
For training skills on accounts, the following rules apply:
- It is the trainer's responsibility to disclose to the buyer if the account(s) will be botted on.
- An explicit refund and returns policy must be defined by the trainer and agreed upon by the buyer (in writing) before services are rendered.
- In order for a policy to be enforced, the trainer must ensure the buyer has read, understood and agreed to said policy.
- If the service you offer is outsourced or done by someone other than you, you MUST inform the buyer either through your Terms of Service or in Skype/PM. Failure to follow this rule would grounds for a TWC, market ban, or further consequences.
- Prior to the start of a service, the service provider MUST inform the customer that any valuables should be removed from the account. Failure to follow this rule may be grounds for a TWC, market ban, or further consequences.
- If you are going to post on a service request thread, you must include a quote for the service OR a specific question clarifying what the thread owner is requesting.
- You may not request free skilling, but you may offer it.
- You may not require or promise a vouch for a service. Vouches should only be given out if the person has done a good service to you.
Failure to comply with the above may result in disputes being awarded to the buyer by default.
Additional Information:
- Confirm who you are speaking with if trading over Discord. Understand how the unique ID works and double check it before trading at all times. Follow this guide.
- Check the report a scammer section before trading someone large amounts of RuneScape gold.
- Take screenshots of usernames you trade including the chat you get it from.
- If you have been scammed, please make a report here.
- After the completion of a service on your account, please change your password and end all mobile sessions on your account; for your account's safety.
If you need to refresh yourself with the official RuneLister.com rules, they can be found here: Link
For training skills on accounts, the following rules apply:
- It is the trainer's responsibility to disclose to the buyer if the account(s) will be botted on.
- An explicit refund and returns policy must be defined by the trainer and agreed upon by the buyer (in writing) before services are rendered.
- In order for a policy to be enforced, the trainer must ensure the buyer has read, understood and agreed to said policy.
- If the service you offer is outsourced or done by someone other than you, you MUST inform the buyer either through your Terms of Service or in Skype/PM. Failure to follow this rule would grounds for a TWC, market ban, or further consequences.
- Prior to the start of a service, the service provider MUST inform the customer that any valuables should be removed from the account. Failure to follow this rule may be grounds for a TWC, market ban, or further consequences.
- If you are going to post on a service request thread, you must include a quote for the service OR a specific question clarifying what the thread owner is requesting.
- You may not request free skilling, but you may offer it.
- You may not require or promise a vouch for a service. Vouches should only be given out if the person has done a good service to you.
Failure to comply with the above may result in disputes being awarded to the buyer by default.
Additional Information:
- Confirm who you are speaking with if trading over Discord. Understand how the unique ID works and double check it before trading at all times. Follow this guide.
- Check the report a scammer section before trading someone large amounts of RuneScape gold.
- Take screenshots of usernames you trade including the chat you get it from.
- If you have been scammed, please make a report here.
- After the completion of a service on your account, please change your password and end all mobile sessions on your account; for your account's safety.
If you need to refresh yourself with the official RuneLister.com rules, they can be found here: Link