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[Section Rules] Old School RuneScape/RS3 Minigame Services

Seen 2 years ago
Armadyl Hero (94/100)
Armadyl Hero
94 Posts
Warning level
Joined: 2021-11-11

For minigame services, the following rules apply:


  1. It is the trainer's responsibility to disclose to the buyer if the account(s) will be botted on.
  2. An explicit refund and returns policy must be defined by the trainer and agreed upon by the buyer (in writing) before services are rendered.
  3. In order for a policy to be enforced, the trainer must ensure the buyer has read, understood and agreed to said policy.
  4. If the service you offer is outsourced or done by someone other than you, you MUST inform the buyer either through your Terms of Service or in Skype/PM. Failure to follow this rule would grounds for a TWC, market ban, or further consequences.
  5. Prior to the start of a service, the service provider MUST inform the customer that any valuables should be removed from the account. Failure to follow this rule may be grounds for a TWC, market ban, or further consequences.
  6. If you are going to post on a service request thread, you must include a quote for the service
  7. You may not request free services, but you may offer it.
  8. You may not require or promise a vouch for a service. Vouches should only be given out if the person has done a good service to you.

Failure to comply with the above may result in disputes being awarded to the buyer by default.

Additional Information:

  1. Confirm who you are speaking with if trading over Discord. Understand how the unique ID works and double check it before trading at all times. Follow this guide.
  2. Check the report a scammer section before trading someone large amounts of RuneScape gold.
  3. Take screenshots of usernames you trade including the chat you get it from.
  4. If you have been scammed, please make a report here.
  5. After the completion of a service on your account, please change your password and end all mobile sessions on your account; for your account's safety.

If you need to refresh yourself with the official rules, they can be found here: Link

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