Quote fromEric Gold on April 24, 2022, 3:08 pm
Difficulty - 2/10
Time Needed - 15 Minutes
What you are Adding -
Server Sided:
First in player.java open it up and search for:Code:public int
in that long list add
Code:safeTimer = 0,
Next search for:
Code:public boolean inPirateHouse() {
under that add:
Code:/* * Start of PvP Zones, Safe Zones, and Etc. */ public boolean inPvP() { return(!inSafeZone()); } public boolean inSafeZone() { return(inEdgevilleBank() || inWestVarrockBank() || inEastVarrockBank() || inWestFaladorBank() || inEastFaladorBank() || inCamelotBank() || inCatherbyBank() || inNorthArdougneBank() ||inSouthArdougneBank() || grandExchangeRoof()); } public boolean inEdgevilleBank() { return(absX > 3090 && absX < 3099 && absY > 3487 && absY < 3500); } public boolean inWestVarrockBank() { return (absX > 3181 && absX < 3200 && absY > 3431 && absY < 3447); } public boolean inEastVarrockBank() { return(absX > 3249 && absX < 3258 && absY > 3418 && absY < 3425); } public boolean inWestFaladorBank() { return(absX > 2941 && absX < 2948 && absY > 3367 && absY < 3374 || absX >= 2948 && absX <= 2949 && absY >= 3368 && absY <= 3369); } public boolean inEastFaladorBank() { return(absX > 3008 && absX < 3019 && absY > 3354 && absY < 3359); } public boolean inCamelotBank() { return(absX > 2720 && absX < 2731 && absY > 3489 && absY < 3494 || absX > 2723 && absX < 2728 && absY > 3486 && absY < 3490); } public boolean inCatherbyBank() { return(absX > 2805 && absX < 2813 && absY > 3437 && absY < 3442); } public boolean inNorthArdougneBank() { return(absX > 2611 && absX < 2622 && absY > 3329 && absY <3336); } public boolean inSouthArdougneBank() { return(absX > 2648 && absX < 2657 && absY > 3279 && absY < 3288); } public boolean grandExchangeRoof() { return(absX > 3153 && absX < 3176 && absY > 3478 && absY < 3501 && heightLevel == 2); }
Create a new package server.models.players.pvp; and in it add:Code:package server.model.players.pvp; import server.model.players.Client; public class PvPHandler { private Client c; public PvPHandler(Client c) { this.c = c; } /* * Variables */ public int lowLevel; public int highLevel; /* * Handles Showing of Correct PvP Levels */ public void pvpLevels() { if (c.combatLevel < 15) { int lowLevel = 3; int highLevel = c.combatLevel + 12; if(c.inPvP()) { c.getPA().sendFrame126(lowLevel + " - " + highLevel, 21302); } else if(c.inSafeZone() && c.safeTimer <= 0) { c.getPA().sendFrame126(lowLevel + " - " + highLevel, 21202); } else if(c.inSafeZone() && c.safeTimer > 0){ c.getPA().sendFrame126(lowLevel + " - " + highLevel, 21402); } } if (c.combatLevel > 15 && c.combatLevel < 114) { int lowLevel = c.combatLevel - 12; int highLevel = c.combatLevel + 12; if(c.inPvP()) { c.getPA().sendFrame126(lowLevel + " - " + highLevel, 21302); } else if(c.inSafeZone() && c.safeTimer <= 0) { c.getPA().sendFrame126(lowLevel + " - " + highLevel, 21202); } else if(c.inSafeZone() && c.safeTimer > 0){ c.getPA().sendFrame126(lowLevel + " - " + highLevel, 21402); } } if (c.combatLevel > 114) { int lowLevel = c.combatLevel - 12; int highLevel = 126; if(c.inPvP()) { c.getPA().sendFrame126(lowLevel + " - " + highLevel, 21302); } else if(c.inSafeZone() && c.safeTimer <= 0) { c.getPA().sendFrame126(lowLevel + " - " + highLevel, 21202); } else if(c.inSafeZone() && c.safeTimer > 0){ c.getPA().sendFrame126(lowLevel + " - " + highLevel, 21402); } } } public static int[][] pvpPointsNeeded = { {11694, 30}, {11696, 15}, {11698, 15}, {11700, 15}, {13362, 50}, {13358, 50}, {13360, 50}, {13355, 50}, {13354, 50}, {13352, 50}, {13350, 50}, {13348, 50}, {13346, 50}, {14484, 30}, {18335, 15}, {18349, 60}, {18351, 60}, {18353, 60}, {18355, 60}, {18357, 60}, {19669, 15}, {15486, 30}, {13858, 30}, {13861, 30}, {13864, 30}, {13867, 30}, {13870, 30}, {13873, 30}, {13876, 30}, {13884, 30}, {13887, 30}, {13890, 30}, {13893, 30}, {13896, 30}, {13899, 30}, {13902, 30} }; public static int[][] pvpKillsNeeded = { {11718, 15}, {11720, 15}, {11722, 15},{11724, 15}, {11726, 15} }; }
Next open up Client.java and import:Code:import server.model.players.pvp.PvPHandler;
and add
Code:private PvPHandler pvpHandler = new PvPHandler(this);
Code:getPA().showOption(5, 0,"Follow", 4);
add this
Code:safeTimer = 0;
Next find:
Code:public void process() {
and in it add
Code:if(inPvP()) { safeTimer = 11; } if(safeTimer > 0 && !inPvP()) { safeTimer--; }
Then find:
Code:if(inWild()) {
under that add
Code:} else if (!inPvP() && safeTimer > 0) { wildLevel = 12; getPA().walkableInterface(21400); getPA().sendFrame126("" + safeTimer, 21403); pvpHandler.pvpLevels(); } else if (inPvP()) { wildLevel = 12; getPA().walkableInterface(21300); pvpHandler.pvpLevels(); getPA().showOption(3, 0, "Attack", 1); } else if (inSafeZone()) { getPA().walkableInterface(21200); pvpHandler.pvpLevels();
In CombatAssistant.java find:Code:if(!Server.playerHandler.players[c.playerIndex].inWild()) { c.sendMessage("That player is not in the wilderness."); c.stopMovement(); c.getCombat().resetPlayerAttack(); return false; } if(!c.inWild()) { c.sendMessage("You are not in the wilderness."); c.stopMovement(); c.getCombat().resetPlayerAttack(); return false; }
replace that with
Code:if(!Server.playerHandler.players[c.playerIndex].inPvP() && Server.playerHandler.players[c.playerIndex].safeTimer <= 0) { c.sendMessage("@red@That player is not in PvP."); c.stopMovement(); c.getCombat().resetPlayerAttack(); return false; } if(c.inSafeZone() && c.safeTimer <= 0) { c.sendMessage("@red@You are not in PvP."); c.stopMovement(); c.getCombat().resetPlayerAttack(); return false; }
Client Sided:
Go into RSInterface.java and addCode:PVPInterface(textDrawingAreas); PVPInterface2(textDrawingAreas); PVPInterface3(textDrawingAreas);
Then add these:
Code:public static void PVPInterface(TextDrawingArea[] tda) { RSInterface RSinterface = addInterface(21200); addSprite(21201, 0, "PvP/NOTINWILD1"); addText(21202, "", tda, 1, 0xff9040, true, true); int last = 2; RSinterface.children = new int[last]; RSinterface.childX = new int[last]; RSinterface.childY = new int[last]; setBounds(21201, 400, 285, 0,RSinterface); setBounds(21202, 444, 318, 1,RSinterface); } public static void PVPInterface2(TextDrawingArea[] tda) { RSInterface RSinterface = addInterface(21300); addSprite(21301, 0, "PvP/INWILD1"); addText(21302, "", tda, 1, 0xff9040, true, true); int last = 2; RSinterface.children = new int[last]; RSinterface.childX = new int[last]; RSinterface.childY = new int[last]; setBounds(21301, 400, 285, 0,RSinterface); setBounds(21302, 444, 318, 1,RSinterface); } public static void PVPInterface3(TextDrawingArea[] tda) { RSInterface RSinterface = addInterface(21400); addSprite(21401, 0, "PvP/INCOUNT1"); addText(21402, "", tda, 1, 0xff9040, true, true); addText(21403, "", tda,1,0xffffff, true, true); int last = 3; RSinterface.children = new int[last]; RSinterface.childX = new int[last]; RSinterface.childY = new int[last]; setBounds(21401, 400, 285, 0,RSinterface); setBounds(21402, 444, 318, 1,RSinterface); setBounds(21403, 412, 290, 2,RSinterface); }
Download these and add to Sprites (updated as of 4/18/15):
Difficulty - 2/10
Time Needed - 15 Minutes
What you are Adding -
Server Sided:
First in player.java open it up and search for:
public int
in that long list add
safeTimer = 0,
Next search for:
public boolean inPirateHouse() {
under that add:
* Start of PvP Zones, Safe Zones, and Etc.
public boolean inPvP() {
public boolean inSafeZone() {
return(inEdgevilleBank() || inWestVarrockBank() || inEastVarrockBank() ||
inWestFaladorBank() || inEastFaladorBank() || inCamelotBank() ||
inCatherbyBank() || inNorthArdougneBank() ||inSouthArdougneBank() ||
public boolean inEdgevilleBank() {
return(absX > 3090 && absX < 3099 && absY > 3487 && absY < 3500);
public boolean inWestVarrockBank() {
return (absX > 3181 && absX < 3200 && absY > 3431 && absY < 3447);
public boolean inEastVarrockBank() {
return(absX > 3249 && absX < 3258 && absY > 3418 && absY < 3425);
public boolean inWestFaladorBank() {
return(absX > 2941 && absX < 2948 && absY > 3367 && absY < 3374 || absX >= 2948 && absX <= 2949 && absY >= 3368 && absY <= 3369);
public boolean inEastFaladorBank() {
return(absX > 3008 && absX < 3019 && absY > 3354 && absY < 3359);
public boolean inCamelotBank() {
return(absX > 2720 && absX < 2731 && absY > 3489 && absY < 3494 || absX > 2723 && absX < 2728 && absY > 3486 && absY < 3490);
public boolean inCatherbyBank() {
return(absX > 2805 && absX < 2813 && absY > 3437 && absY < 3442);
public boolean inNorthArdougneBank() {
return(absX > 2611 && absX < 2622 && absY > 3329 && absY <3336);
public boolean inSouthArdougneBank() {
return(absX > 2648 && absX < 2657 && absY > 3279 && absY < 3288);
public boolean grandExchangeRoof() {
return(absX > 3153 && absX < 3176 && absY > 3478 && absY < 3501 && heightLevel == 2);
Create a new package server.models.players.pvp; and in it add:
package server.model.players.pvp;
import server.model.players.Client;
public class PvPHandler {
private Client c;
public PvPHandler(Client c) {
this.c = c;
* Variables
public int lowLevel;
public int highLevel;
* Handles Showing of Correct PvP Levels
public void pvpLevels() {
if (c.combatLevel < 15) {
int lowLevel = 3;
int highLevel = c.combatLevel + 12;
if(c.inPvP()) {
c.getPA().sendFrame126(lowLevel + " - " + highLevel, 21302);
} else if(c.inSafeZone() && c.safeTimer <= 0) {
c.getPA().sendFrame126(lowLevel + " - " + highLevel, 21202);
} else if(c.inSafeZone() && c.safeTimer > 0){
c.getPA().sendFrame126(lowLevel + " - " + highLevel, 21402);
if (c.combatLevel > 15 && c.combatLevel < 114) {
int lowLevel = c.combatLevel - 12;
int highLevel = c.combatLevel + 12;
if(c.inPvP()) {
c.getPA().sendFrame126(lowLevel + " - " + highLevel, 21302);
} else if(c.inSafeZone() && c.safeTimer <= 0) {
c.getPA().sendFrame126(lowLevel + " - " + highLevel, 21202);
} else if(c.inSafeZone() && c.safeTimer > 0){
c.getPA().sendFrame126(lowLevel + " - " + highLevel, 21402);
if (c.combatLevel > 114) {
int lowLevel = c.combatLevel - 12;
int highLevel = 126;
if(c.inPvP()) {
c.getPA().sendFrame126(lowLevel + " - " + highLevel, 21302);
} else if(c.inSafeZone() && c.safeTimer <= 0) {
c.getPA().sendFrame126(lowLevel + " - " + highLevel, 21202);
} else if(c.inSafeZone() && c.safeTimer > 0){
c.getPA().sendFrame126(lowLevel + " - " + highLevel, 21402);
public static int[][] pvpPointsNeeded = {
{11694, 30}, {11696, 15}, {11698, 15}, {11700, 15},
{13362, 50}, {13358, 50}, {13360, 50}, {13355, 50},
{13354, 50}, {13352, 50}, {13350, 50}, {13348, 50},
{13346, 50}, {14484, 30}, {18335, 15}, {18349, 60},
{18351, 60}, {18353, 60}, {18355, 60}, {18357, 60},
{19669, 15}, {15486, 30}, {13858, 30}, {13861, 30},
{13864, 30}, {13867, 30}, {13870, 30}, {13873, 30},
{13876, 30}, {13884, 30}, {13887, 30}, {13890, 30},
{13893, 30}, {13896, 30}, {13899, 30}, {13902, 30}
public static int[][] pvpKillsNeeded = {
{11718, 15}, {11720, 15}, {11722, 15},{11724, 15}, {11726, 15}
Next open up Client.java and import:
import server.model.players.pvp.PvPHandler;
and add
private PvPHandler pvpHandler = new PvPHandler(this);
getPA().showOption(5, 0,"Follow", 4);
add this
safeTimer = 0;
Next find:
public void process() {
and in it add
if(inPvP()) {
safeTimer = 11;
if(safeTimer > 0 && !inPvP()) {
Then find:
if(inWild()) {
under that add
} else if (!inPvP() && safeTimer > 0) {
wildLevel = 12;
getPA().sendFrame126("" + safeTimer, 21403);
} else if (inPvP()) {
wildLevel = 12;
getPA().showOption(3, 0, "Attack", 1);
} else if (inSafeZone()) {
In CombatAssistant.java find:
if(!Server.playerHandler.players[c.playerIndex].inWild()) {
c.sendMessage("That player is not in the wilderness.");
return false;
if(!c.inWild()) {
c.sendMessage("You are not in the wilderness.");
return false;
replace that with
if(!Server.playerHandler.players[c.playerIndex].inPvP() && Server.playerHandler.players[c.playerIndex].safeTimer <= 0) {
c.sendMessage("@red@That player is not in PvP.");
return false;
if(c.inSafeZone() && c.safeTimer <= 0) {
c.sendMessage("@red@You are not in PvP.");
return false;
Client Sided:
Go into RSInterface.java and add
Then add these:
public static void PVPInterface(TextDrawingArea[] tda) {
RSInterface RSinterface = addInterface(21200);
addSprite(21201, 0, "PvP/NOTINWILD1");
addText(21202, "", tda, 1, 0xff9040, true, true);
int last = 2;
RSinterface.children = new int[last];
RSinterface.childX = new int[last];
RSinterface.childY = new int[last];
setBounds(21201, 400, 285, 0,RSinterface);
setBounds(21202, 444, 318, 1,RSinterface);
public static void PVPInterface2(TextDrawingArea[] tda) {
RSInterface RSinterface = addInterface(21300);
addSprite(21301, 0, "PvP/INWILD1");
addText(21302, "", tda, 1, 0xff9040, true, true);
int last = 2;
RSinterface.children = new int[last];
RSinterface.childX = new int[last];
RSinterface.childY = new int[last];
setBounds(21301, 400, 285, 0,RSinterface);
setBounds(21302, 444, 318, 1,RSinterface);
public static void PVPInterface3(TextDrawingArea[] tda) {
RSInterface RSinterface = addInterface(21400);
addSprite(21401, 0, "PvP/INCOUNT1");
addText(21402, "", tda, 1, 0xff9040, true, true);
addText(21403, "", tda,1,0xffffff, true, true);
int last = 3;
RSinterface.children = new int[last];
RSinterface.childX = new int[last];
RSinterface.childY = new int[last];
setBounds(21401, 400, 285, 0,RSinterface);
setBounds(21402, 444, 318, 1,RSinterface);
setBounds(21403, 412, 290, 2,RSinterface);
Download these and add to Sprites (updated as of 4/18/15):