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new OSRS model header

Seen 12 months ago
Rune Warrior (38/40)
Rune Warrior
38 Posts
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Joined: 2022-07-03

Not sure if it works without them, but osrs added two new fields to the model class, todo with animations I think. Didn't look into it much, but it appears models still work without implementing them. These methods just read the data and do nothing with it so the models will still appear ingame.

Click here to view the original image of 1128x181px.

Spoiler for code:
			if (data[data.length - 1] == -3 && data[data.length - 2] == -1) { // L: 66
			} else if (data[data.length - 1] == -2 && data[data.length - 2] == -1) { // L: 67
			} else if (data[data.length - 1] == -1 && data[data.length - 2] == -1) { // usesNewHeader
			} else {
				this.decodeOld(data); // L: 69

New decoder methods (The actual changes are commented with here 1 and here 2.


	int[][] field2180;//todo new osrs anim stuff
	int[][] field2181;//todo new osrs anim stuff

	public void decodeOSRS1(byte data[]) {
		Buffer header = new Buffer(data);
		Buffer nc2 = new Buffer(data);
		Buffer nc3 = new Buffer(data);
		Buffer nc4 = new Buffer(data);
		Buffer nc5 = new Buffer(data);
		Buffer nc6 = new Buffer(data);
		Buffer nc7 = new Buffer(data);
		header.pos = data.length - 26;
		vertexCount = header.getUShort();
		triangleCount = header.getUShort();
		texturedCount = header.getUByte();
		int flags = header.getUByte();
		int priority_opcode = header.getUByte();
		int alpha_opcode = header.getUByte();
		int tSkin_opcode = header.getUByte();
		int texture_opcode = header.getUByte();
		int vSkin_opcode = header.getUByte();
		int newVar = header.getUByte();
		int j3 = header.getUShort();
		int k3 = header.getUShort();
		int l3 = header.getUShort();
		int i4 = header.getUShort();
		int j4 = header.getUShort();
		int texture_id = 0;
		int texture_ = 0;
		int texture__ = 0;
		int face;
		unmodifiedTriangleColor = new int[triangleCount];
		if (texturedCount > 0) {
			textureTypes = new byte[texturedCount];
			header.pos = 0;
			for (face = 0; face < texturedCount; face++) {
				byte opcode = textureTypes[face] = header.getSByte();
				if (opcode == 0) {

				if (opcode >= 1 && opcode <= 3) {
				if (opcode == 2) {
		int pos;
		pos = texturedCount;
		int vertexMod_offset = pos;
		pos += vertexCount;

		int drawTypeBasePos = pos;
		if (flags == 1)
			pos += triangleCount;

		int faceMeshLink_offset = pos;
		pos += triangleCount;

		int facePriorityBasePos = pos;
		if (priority_opcode == 255)
			pos += triangleCount;

		int tSkinBasePos = pos;
		if (tSkin_opcode == 1)
			pos += triangleCount;

		int vSkinBasePos = pos;
		if (vSkin_opcode == 1)
			pos += vertexCount;

		int alphaBasePos = pos;
		if (alpha_opcode == 1)
			pos += triangleCount;

		int faceVPoint_offset = pos;
		pos += i4;

		int textureIdBasePos = pos;
		if (texture_opcode == 1)
			pos += triangleCount * 2;

		int textureBasePos = pos;
		pos += j4;

		int color_offset = pos;
		pos += triangleCount * 2;

		int vertexX_offset = pos;
		pos += j3;

		int vertexY_offset = pos;
		pos += k3;

		int vertexZ_offset = pos;
		pos += l3;

		int mainBuffer_offset = pos;
		pos += texture_id * 6;

		int firstBuffer_offset = pos;
		pos += texture_ * 6;

		int secondBuffer_offset = pos;
		pos += texture_ * 6;

		int thirdBuffer_offset = pos;
		pos += texture_ * 2;

		int fourthBuffer_offset = pos;
		pos += texture_;

		int fifthBuffer_offset = pos;
		pos += texture_ * 2 + texture__ * 2;
		vertexX = new int[vertexCount];
		vertexY = new int[vertexCount];
		vertexZ = new int[vertexCount];
		triangleVertexA = new int[triangleCount];
		triangleVertexB = new int[triangleCount];
		triangleVertexC = new int[triangleCount];
		if (vSkin_opcode == 1)
			vertexLabel = new int[vertexCount];
		if (flags == 1)
			faceDrawType = new int[triangleCount];
		if (priority_opcode == 255)
			trianglePriorities = new int[triangleCount];
			priority = (byte) priority_opcode;
		if (alpha_opcode == 1)
			triangleAlpha = new int[triangleCount];
		if (tSkin_opcode == 1)
			triangleSkin = new int[triangleCount];
		if (texture_opcode == 1)
			triTex = new int[triangleCount];
		if (texture_opcode == 1 && texturedCount > 0)
			triTexCoord = new short[triangleCount];

		if (newVar == 1) { // L: 169
			this.field2180 = new int[vertexCount][]; // L: 170
			this.field2181 = new int[vertexCount][]; // L: 171
		if (texturedCount > 0) {
			textureVertexA = new int[texturedCount];
			textureVertexB = new int[texturedCount];
			textureVertexC = new int[texturedCount];
		header.pos = vertexMod_offset;
		nc2.pos = vertexX_offset;
		nc3.pos = vertexY_offset;
		nc4.pos = vertexZ_offset;
		nc5.pos = vSkinBasePos;
		int start_x = 0;
		int start_y = 0;
		int start_z = 0;
		for (int point = 0; point < vertexCount; point++) {
			int flag = header.getUByte();
			int x = 0;
			if ((flag & 1) != 0) {
				x = nc2.getSSmart();
			int y = 0;
			if ((flag & 2) != 0) {
				y = nc3.getSSmart();
			int z = 0;
			if ((flag & 4) != 0) {
				z = nc4.getSSmart();
			vertexX[point] = start_x + x;
			vertexY[point] = start_y + y;
			vertexZ[point] = start_z + z;
			start_x = vertexX[point];
			start_y = vertexY[point];
			start_z = vertexZ[point];
			if (vertexLabel != null)
				vertexLabel[point] = nc5.getUByte();


		if (newVar == 1) { // HERE 1
			for (int var53 = 0; var53 < vertexCount; ++var53) { // L: 204
				int var54 = nc5.getUByte(); // L: 205
				this.field2180[var53] = new int[var54]; // L: 206
				this.field2181[var53] = new int[var54]; // L: 207

				for (int var55 = 0; var55 < var54; ++var55) { // L: 208
					this.field2180[var53][var55] = nc5.getUByte(); // L: 209
					this.field2181[var53][var55] = nc5.getUByte(); // L: 210
		header.pos = color_offset;
		nc2.pos = drawTypeBasePos;
		nc3.pos = facePriorityBasePos;
		nc4.pos = alphaBasePos;
		nc5.pos = tSkinBasePos;
		nc6.pos = textureIdBasePos;
		nc7.pos = textureBasePos;
		for (face = 0; face < triangleCount; face++) {
			unmodifiedTriangleColor[face] = (short) header.getUShort();
			if (flags == 1) {
				faceDrawType[face] = nc2.getSByte();
			if (priority_opcode == 255) {
				trianglePriorities[face] = nc3.getSByte();
			if (alpha_opcode == 1) {
				triangleAlpha[face] = nc4.getSByte();
				if (triangleAlpha[face] < 0)
					triangleAlpha[face] = (byte) (256 + triangleAlpha[face]);

			if (tSkin_opcode == 1)
				triangleSkin[face] = nc5.getUByte();

			if (texture_opcode == 1) {
				triTex[face] = (short) (nc6.getUShort() - 1);
				if(triTex[face] >= 0) {
					if(faceDrawType != null) {
						if(faceDrawType[face] < 2 && unmodifiedTriangleColor[face] != 127 && unmodifiedTriangleColor[face] != -27075) {
							triTex[face] = -1;
				if(triTex[face] != -1) {
					unmodifiedTriangleColor[face] = 127;
			if (triTexCoord != null && triTex[face] != -1) {
				triTexCoord[face] = (byte) (nc7.getUByte() - 1);
		header.pos = faceVPoint_offset;
		nc2.pos = faceMeshLink_offset;
		int coordinate_a = 0;
		int coordinate_b = 0;
		int coordinate_c = 0;
		int last_coordinate = 0;
		for (face = 0; face < triangleCount; face++) {
			int opcode = nc2.getUByte();
			if (opcode == 1) {
				coordinate_a = header.getSSmart() + last_coordinate;
				last_coordinate = coordinate_a;
				coordinate_b = header.getSSmart() + last_coordinate;
				last_coordinate = coordinate_b;
				coordinate_c = header.getSSmart() + last_coordinate;
				last_coordinate = coordinate_c;
				triangleVertexA[face] = (short) coordinate_a;
				triangleVertexB[face] = (short) coordinate_b;
				triangleVertexC[face] = (short) coordinate_c;
			if (opcode == 2) {
				coordinate_b = coordinate_c;
				coordinate_c = header.getSSmart() + last_coordinate;
				last_coordinate = coordinate_c;
				triangleVertexA[face] = (short) coordinate_a;
				triangleVertexB[face] = (short) coordinate_b;
				triangleVertexC[face] = (short) coordinate_c;
			if (opcode == 3) {
				coordinate_a = coordinate_c;
				coordinate_c = header.getSSmart() + last_coordinate;
				last_coordinate = coordinate_c;
				triangleVertexA[face] = (short) coordinate_a;
				triangleVertexB[face] = (short) coordinate_b;
				triangleVertexC[face] = (short) coordinate_c;
			if (opcode == 4) {
				int l14 = coordinate_a;
				coordinate_a = coordinate_b;
				coordinate_b = l14;
				coordinate_c = header.getSSmart() + last_coordinate;
				last_coordinate = coordinate_c;
				triangleVertexA[face] = (short) coordinate_a;
				triangleVertexB[face] = (short) coordinate_b;
				triangleVertexC[face] = (short) coordinate_c;
		header.pos = mainBuffer_offset;
		nc2.pos = firstBuffer_offset;
		nc3.pos = secondBuffer_offset;
		nc4.pos = thirdBuffer_offset;
		nc5.pos = fourthBuffer_offset;
		nc6.pos = fifthBuffer_offset;
		for (face = 0; face < texturedCount; face++) {
			int opcode = textureTypes[face] & 0xff;
			if (opcode == 0) {
				textureVertexA[face] = (short) header.getUShort();
				textureVertexB[face] = (short) header.getUShort();
				textureVertexC[face] = (short) header.getUShort();
			if (opcode == 1) {
				textureVertexA[face] = (short) nc2.getUShort();
				textureVertexB[face] = (short) nc2.getUShort();
				textureVertexC[face] = (short) nc2.getUShort();
			if (opcode == 2) {
				textureVertexA[face] = (short) nc2.getUShort();
				textureVertexB[face] = (short) nc2.getUShort();
				textureVertexC[face] = (short) nc2.getUShort();
			if (opcode == 3) {
				textureVertexA[face] = (short) nc2.getUShort();
				textureVertexB[face] = (short) nc2.getUShort();
				textureVertexC[face] = (short) nc2.getUShort();
		header.pos = pos;
		face = header.getUByte();

		if(face != 0) {

	private void decodeOld1(byte[] is) {
		boolean has_face_type = false;
		boolean has_texture_type = false;
		Buffer[] buffers = new Buffer[5];
		for(int i = 0; i < buffers.length; i++)
			buffers[i] = new Buffer(is);
		buffers[0].pos = is.length - 23;
		vertexCount = buffers[0].getUShort();
		triangleCount = buffers[0].getUShort();
		texturedCount = buffers[0].getUByte();
		int type_opcode = buffers[0].getUByte();
		int priority_opcode = buffers[0].getUByte();
		int alpha_opcode = buffers[0].getUByte();
		int tSkin_opcode = buffers[0].getUByte();
		int vSkin_opcode = buffers[0].getUByte();
		int nwvar =  buffers[0].getUByte();
		int i_162_ = buffers[0].getUShort();
		int i_163_ = buffers[0].getUShort();
		int i_164_ = buffers[0].getUShort();
		int i_165_ = buffers[0].getUShort();
		int var22 = buffers[0].getUShort();

		int pos = 0;
		int i_167_ = pos;

		pos += vertexCount;
		int i_168_ = pos;
		pos += triangleCount;
		int priorityPos = pos;
		if(priority_opcode == 255)
			pos += triangleCount;
		int i_170_ = pos;
		if(tSkin_opcode == 1)
			pos += triangleCount;
		int i_171_ = pos;
		if(type_opcode == 1)
			pos += triangleCount;
		int i_172_ = pos;
		pos += var22;
		//vskin opcode shud be here
		int i_173_ = pos;
		if(alpha_opcode == 1)
			pos += triangleCount;
		int i_174_ = pos;
		pos += i_165_;
		int i_175_ = pos;
		pos += triangleCount * 2;
		int i_176_ = pos;
		pos += texturedCount * 6;
		int i_177_ = pos;
		pos += i_162_;
		int i_178_ = pos;
		pos += i_163_;
		int i_179_ = pos;
		vertexX = new int[vertexCount];
		vertexY = new int[vertexCount];
		vertexZ = new int[vertexCount];
		triangleVertexA = new int[triangleCount];
		triangleVertexB = new int[triangleCount];
		triangleVertexC = new int[triangleCount];
		unmodifiedTriangleColor = new int[triangleCount];

		if(vSkin_opcode == 1)
			vertexLabel = new int[vertexCount];

		if(tSkin_opcode == 1)
			triangleSkin = new int[triangleCount];

		if (nwvar == 1) { // L: 376
			this.field2180 = new int[vertexCount][]; // L: 377
			this.field2181 = new int[vertexCount][]; // L: 378

		if(alpha_opcode == 1)
			triangleAlpha = new int[triangleCount];

		if(priority_opcode != 255)
				priority = (byte) priority_opcode;
			trianglePriorities = new int[triangleCount];

		if(texturedCount > 0) {
			textureVertexA = new int[texturedCount];
			textureVertexB = new int[texturedCount];
			textureVertexC = new int[texturedCount];
			textureTypes = new byte[texturedCount];

		pos += i_164_;

		if(type_opcode == 1) {
			triTex = new int[triangleCount];
			faceDrawType = new int[triangleCount];
			triTexCoord = new short[triangleCount];

		buffers[0].pos = i_167_;
		buffers[1].pos = i_177_;
		buffers[2].pos = i_178_;
		buffers[3].pos = i_179_;
		buffers[4].pos = i_172_;
		int i_180_ = 0;
		int i_181_ = 0;
		int i_182_ = 0;
		for(int point = 0; vertexCount > point; point++) {
			int flag = buffers[0].getUByte();
			int x = 0;
			if((flag & 0x1) != 0)
				x = buffers[1].getSSmart();
			int i_186_ = 0;
			if((0x2 & flag) != 0)
				i_186_ = buffers[2].getSSmart();
			int i_187_ = 0;
			if((flag & 0x4) != 0)
				i_187_ = buffers[3].getSSmart();
			vertexX[point] = x + i_180_;
			vertexY[point] = i_181_ + i_186_;
			vertexZ[point] = i_182_ + i_187_;
			i_180_ = vertexX[point];
			i_181_ = vertexY[point];
			i_182_ = vertexZ[point];
			if(vSkin_opcode == 1) {
				int weight = buffers[4].getUByte();
				vertexLabel[point] = weight;

		if (nwvar == 1) { // HERE 2
			for (int var40 = 0; var40 < vertexCount; ++var40) { // L: 406
				int var41 = buffers[4].getUByte(); // L: 407
				this.field2180[var40] = new int[var41]; // L: 408
				this.field2181[var40] = new int[var41]; // L: 409

				for (int var42 = 0; var42 < var41; ++var42) { // L: 410
					this.field2180[var40][var42] = buffers[4].getUByte(); // L: 411
					this.field2181[var40][var42] = buffers[4].getUByte(); // L: 412

		buffers[0].pos = i_175_;
		buffers[1].pos = i_171_;
		buffers[2].pos = priorityPos;
		buffers[3].pos = i_173_;
		buffers[4].pos = i_170_;
		for(int face = 0; face < triangleCount; face++) {
			unmodifiedTriangleColor[face] = buffers[0].getUShort();
			if(type_opcode == 1) {
				int i_189_ = buffers[1].getUByte();
				if((i_189_ & 0x1) == 1) {
					has_face_type = true;
					faceDrawType[face] = (byte) 1;
				} else
					faceDrawType[face] = (byte) 0;
				if((i_189_ & 0x2) == 2) {
					triTexCoord[face] = (short) (i_189_ >> 2);
					triTex[face] = unmodifiedTriangleColor[face];
					unmodifiedTriangleColor[face] = 127;
					if(triTex[face] != -1)
						has_texture_type = true;
				} else {
					triTexCoord[face] = (short) -1;
					triTex[face] = (short) -1;
			if(priority_opcode == 255)
				trianglePriorities[face] = buffers[2].getSByte();
			if(alpha_opcode == 1) {
				triangleAlpha[face] = buffers[3].getSByte();
				if (triangleAlpha[face] < 0)
					triangleAlpha[face] = (byte) (256 + triangleAlpha[face]);
			if(tSkin_opcode == 1)
				triangleSkin[face] = buffers[4].getUByte();
		int used_vertexAmt = -1;
		buffers[0].pos = i_174_;
		buffers[1].pos = i_168_;
		short i_190_ = 0;
		short i_191_ = 0;
		short i_192_ = 0;
		int i_193_ = 0;
		for(int i_194_ = 0; triangleCount > i_194_; i_194_++) {
			int i_195_ = buffers[1].getUByte();
			if(i_195_ == 1) {
				i_190_ = (short) (i_193_ + buffers[0].getSSmart());
				i_193_ = i_190_;
				i_191_ = (short) (i_193_ + buffers[0].getSSmart());
				i_193_ = i_191_;
				i_192_ = (short) (buffers[0].getSSmart() + i_193_);
				i_193_ = i_192_;
				triangleVertexA[i_194_] = i_190_;
				triangleVertexB[i_194_] = i_191_;
				triangleVertexC[i_194_] = i_192_;
				if(used_vertexAmt < i_190_)
					used_vertexAmt = i_190_;
				if((i_191_ ^ 0xffffffff) < (used_vertexAmt ^ 0xffffffff))
					used_vertexAmt = i_191_;
				if(i_192_ > used_vertexAmt)
					used_vertexAmt = i_192_;
			if(i_195_ == 2) {
				i_191_ = i_192_;
				i_192_ = (short) (i_193_ + buffers[0].getSSmart());
				i_193_ = i_192_;
				triangleVertexA[i_194_] = i_190_;
				triangleVertexB[i_194_] = i_191_;
				triangleVertexC[i_194_] = i_192_;
				if(used_vertexAmt < i_192_)
					used_vertexAmt = i_192_;
			if(i_195_ == 3) {
				i_190_ = i_192_;
				i_192_ = (short) (buffers[0].getSSmart() + i_193_);
				i_193_ = i_192_;
				triangleVertexA[i_194_] = i_190_;
				triangleVertexB[i_194_] = i_191_;
				triangleVertexC[i_194_] = i_192_;
				if((i_192_ ^ 0xffffffff) < (used_vertexAmt ^ 0xffffffff))
					used_vertexAmt = i_192_;
			if(i_195_ == 4) {
				short i_196_ = i_190_;
				i_190_ = i_191_;
				i_191_ = i_196_;
				i_192_ = (short) (buffers[0].getSSmart() + i_193_);
				i_193_ = i_192_;
				triangleVertexA[i_194_] = i_190_;
				triangleVertexB[i_194_] = i_191_;
				triangleVertexC[i_194_] = i_192_;
				if((~i_192_) < (~used_vertexAmt))
					used_vertexAmt = i_192_;
		buffers[0].pos = i_176_;
		for(int i_197_ = 0; texturedCount > i_197_; i_197_++) {
			textureTypes[i_197_] = (byte) 0;
			textureVertexA[i_197_] = (short) buffers[0].getUShort();
			textureVertexB[i_197_] = (short) buffers[0].getUShort();
			textureVertexC[i_197_] = (short) buffers[0].getUShort();
		if(triTexCoord != null) {
			boolean textured = false;
			for(int i_199_ = 0; i_199_ < triangleCount; i_199_++) {
				int i_200_ = 0xffff & triTexCoord[i_199_];
				if(i_200_ != 0xffff) {
					if(((textureVertexA[i_200_] & 0xffff) == triangleVertexA[i_199_]) && ((0xffff & textureVertexB[i_200_]) == triangleVertexB[i_199_]) && triangleVertexC[i_199_] == (textureVertexC[i_200_] & 0xffff))
						triTexCoord[i_199_] = (byte) -1;
						textured = true;
				triTexCoord = null;
		if(!has_texture_type) {
			triTex = null;
			faceDrawType = null;
		int s = 4 << 7;
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