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LiveStream FAQ and assistance

Seen 1 year ago
Look At The Sky Tonight, All Of The Stars Have A Reason
Statius Knight (63/70)
Statius Knight
63 Posts
Warning level
Joined: 2021-09-29

Don't know what live streaming is? Need helping setting up your programs to stream? Or do you just want to push you're gear to the max, for better quality streaming?

Well then this is your One-Stop shop for all your streaming Questions. I helped people on the xsplit forums Debuq their programs, or tweak for better streaming, so i figured i'd offer it here aswell upon release of the new streaming section.

So, What is livestreaming?

- Live streaming, which refers to content delivered live over the Internet, requires a camera for the media, an encoder to digitize the content, a media publisher, and a content delivery network to distribute and deliver the content.

How do i get start livestreaming?

- Well there are various placing to stream, and you want to pick a site according to what you are going to stream, if you want to stream games, the hottest place on the net at the moment, is if you wish to stream other things you can try or

What programs will i need?

- You only need two programs to live stream, one being the program used to encoded, and transmit the data, and the other is the game itself, or your "Source"

- There are two great programs you should try. xsplit and open broadcaster.

Xsplit -

Xsplit has two version free and subscription The free version limits you to 25 fps and 1280/720 while the paid version offers unlimited fps/screen size.

The pros of xsplit is that it has a ton of great features, better looking UI
The cons of xsplit is that you are limited on the free version, and it is known to be a CPU hog.

Open broadcaster - OBS is a free program that does the same thing as Xsplit, except at this point and time it is 100% FREE! * may be subject to change*

The pros of OBS is that it has no fps/resolution restrictions, delivers the same quality as xsplit.
The cons of OBS being it is a free program you don't have all the features of xsplit, nor the fancy UI

I suggest getting both programs and testing them and see which you prefer, i personally had xsplit paid version, but switch to OBS for my computer specs etc.

Do i need a high upload rate to be able to live stream?

- Well this is a tricky question, the answer is yes, and the answer is no.
when livestreaming you use bandwith and your CPU to encode the data
be transmitted.

For example if you only have a 1MB upload speed, it's recomended that you have atleast a 1.5mb connection to stream at 720p, but if you have a I5 or higher cpu, you can stream at a lower upload and have your cpu
handle the load, this also works vice versa.

If you have any questions related to Streaming just ask!

If it's related to settings to stream please include your UPLOAD connection, and computer specs.

If it's related to how to advertise, get more viewers, etc please post a highlight of your stream.

Here is a table chart to help you find the best settings for your CPU/Upload


Also the 720p Region.


Enjoy and good luck!​

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