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[KRONOS] Weapon Poison Applying

Seen 7 months ago
Mithril Warrior (21/30)
Mithril Warrior
21 Posts
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Joined: 2022-04-24

Should work on Kronos anyways

package io.ruin.model.item.actions.impl.combine;

import io.ruin.model.entity.player.Player;
import io.ruin.model.item.Item;
import io.ruin.model.item.actions.ItemItemAction;

public enum WeaponPoison {

    BRONZE_DAGGER(1205, 1221, 5670, 5688, false),
    IRON_DAGGER(1203, 1219, 5668, 5686, false),
    STEEL_DAGGER(1207, 1223, 5672, 5690, false),
    BLACK_DAGGER(1217, 1233, 5682, 5700, false),
    WHITE_DAGGER(6591, 6593, 6595, 6597, false),
    MITHRIL_DAGGER(1209, 1225, 5674, 5692, false),
    ADAMANT_DAGGER(1211, 1227, 5676, 5694, false),
    RUNE_DAGGER(1213, 1229, 5678, 5696, false),
    DRAGON_DAGGER(1215, 1231, 5680, 5698, false),
    BONE_DAGGER(8872, 8874, 8876, 8878, false),
    KERIS_DAGGER(10581, 10582, 10583, 10584, false),
    ABYSSAL_DAGGER(13265, 13267, 13269, 13271, false),

    BRONZE_SPEAR(1237, 1251, 5704, 5718, false),
    IRON_SPEAR(1239, 1253, 5706, 5720, false),
    STEEL_SPEAR(1241, 1255, 5708, 5722, false),
    BLACK_SPEAR(4580, 4582, 5734, 5736, false),
    MITHRIL_SPEAR(1243, 1257, 5710, 5724, false),
    ADAMANT_SPEAR(1245, 1259, 5712, 5726, false),
    RUNE_SPEAR(1247, 1261, 5714, 5728, false),
    DRAGON_SPEAR(1249, 1263, 5716, 5730, false),

    BRONZE_HASTA(11367, 11379, 11382, 11384, false),
    IRON_HASTA(11369, 11386, 11389, 11391, false),
    STEEL_HASTA(11371, 11393, 11396, 11398, false),
    MITHRIL_HASTA(11373, 11400, 11403, 11405, false),
    ADAMANT_HASTA(11375, 11407, 11410, 11412, false),
    RUNE_HASTA(11377, 11414, 11417, 11419, false),
    DRAGON_HASTA(22731, 22734, 22737, 22740, false),

    BRONZE_KNIFE(864, 870, 5654, 5661, true),
    IRON_KNIFE(863, 871, 5655, 5662, true),
    STEEL_KNIFE(865, 872, 5656, 5663, true),
    BLACK_KNIFE(869, 874, 5658, 5665, true),
    MITHRIL_KNIFE(866, 873, 5657, 5664, true),
    ADAMANT_KNIFE(867, 875, 5659, 5666, true),
    RUNE_KNIFE(868, 876, 5660, 5667, true),
    DRAGON_KNIFE(22804, 22806, 22808, 22810, true),

    BRONZE_DART(806, 812, 5628, 5635, true),
    IRON_DART(807, 813, 5629, 5636, true),
    STEEL_DART(808, 814, 5630, 5637, true),
    BLACK_DART(3093, 3094, 5631, 5638, true),
    MITHRIL_DART(809, 815, 5632, 5639, true),
    ADAMANT_DART(810, 816, 5633, 5640, true),
    RUNE_DART(811, 817, 5634, 5641, true),
    DRAGON_DART(11230, 11231, 11233, 11234, true),

    BRONZE_JAVELIN(825, 831, 5642, 5648, true),
    IRON_JAVELIN(826, 832, 5643, 5649, true),
    STEEL_JAVELIN(827, 833, 5644, 5650, true),
    MITHRIL_JAVELIN(828, 834, 5645, 5651, true),
    ADAMANT_JAVELIN(829, 835, 5646, 5652, true),
    RUNE_JAVELIN(830, 836, 5647, 5653, true),
    AMETHYST_JAVELIN(21318, 21320, 21322, 21324, true),
    DRAGON_JAVELIN(19484, 19486, 19488, 19490, true),

    BRONZE_BOLTS(877, 878, 6061, 6062, true),
    BLURITE_BOLTS(9139, 9286, 9293, 9300, true),
    IRON_BOLTS(9140, 9287, 9294, 9301, true),
    STEEL_BOLTS(9141, 9288, 9295, 9302, true),
    MITHRIL_BOLTS(9142, 9289, 9296, 9303, true),
    ADAMANT_BOLTS(9143, 9290, 9297, 9304, true),
    RUNE_BOLTS(9144, 9291, 9298, 9305, true),
    DRAGON_BOLTS(21905, 21924, 21926, 21928, true);

    public final int primaryId, secondaryId, thirdId, fourthId;
    public final boolean stacked;

    public static final int WEAPON_POISON = 187;
    public static final int WEAPON_POISON_PLUS = 5937;
    public static final int WEAPON_POISON_PLUS_PLUS = 5940;
    public static final int CLEANING_CLOTH = 3188;

    WeaponPoison(int primaryId, int secondaryId, int thirdId, int fourthId, boolean stacked) {
        this.primaryId = primaryId;
        this.secondaryId = secondaryId;
        this.thirdId = thirdId;
        this.fourthId = fourthId;
        this.stacked = stacked;

    private static void makePoison(Player player, Item wepPoison, Item item, int poisonedID, boolean stacked) {
        player.sendMessage("You poison the " + item.getDef().name.substring(item.getDef().name.lastIndexOf(" ")+1));
        int amt = player.getInventory().count(item.getId());


        if (stacked) {
            if (amt < 5) {
                player.getInventory().add(poisonedID, amt);
            } else {
                player.getInventory().add(poisonedID, 5);
        } else


    private static void removePoison(Player player, Item cloth, Item item, int primaryId, boolean stacked) {
        int amt = player.getInventory().count(item.getId());

        if (stacked) {
            if (amt < 5) {
                player.getInventory().add(primaryId, amt);
            } else {
                player.getInventory().add(primaryId, 5);
        } else
        player.sendMessage("You gingerly wipe the poison off the " + item.getDef().name.substring(item.getDef().name.lastIndexOf(" ")+1));

    static {

        for (WeaponPoison poison : values()) {
            ItemItemAction.register(WEAPON_POISON, poison.primaryId, (player, primary, secondary) -> makePoison(player, primary, secondary, poison.secondaryId, poison.stacked));
            ItemItemAction.register(WEAPON_POISON_PLUS, poison.primaryId, (player, primary, secondary) -> makePoison(player, primary, secondary, poison.thirdId, poison.stacked));
            ItemItemAction.register(WEAPON_POISON_PLUS, poison.secondaryId, (player, primary, secondary) -> makePoison(player, primary, secondary, poison.thirdId, poison.stacked));
            ItemItemAction.register(WEAPON_POISON_PLUS_PLUS, poison.primaryId, (player, primary, secondary) -> makePoison(player, primary, secondary, poison.fourthId, poison.stacked));
            ItemItemAction.register(WEAPON_POISON_PLUS_PLUS, poison.secondaryId, (player, primary, secondary) -> makePoison(player, primary, secondary, poison.fourthId, poison.stacked));
            ItemItemAction.register(WEAPON_POISON_PLUS_PLUS, poison.thirdId, (player, primary, secondary) -> makePoison(player, primary, secondary, poison.fourthId, poison.stacked));

            ItemItemAction.register(CLEANING_CLOTH, poison.secondaryId, (player, primary, secondary) -> removePoison(player, primary, secondary, poison.primaryId, poison.stacked));
            ItemItemAction.register(CLEANING_CLOTH, poison.thirdId, (player, primary, secondary) -> removePoison(player, primary, secondary, poison.primaryId, poison.stacked));
            ItemItemAction.register(CLEANING_CLOTH, poison.fourthId, (player, primary, secondary) -> removePoison(player, primary, secondary, poison.primaryId, poison.stacked));


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