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How to transfer a Rare name! [Read Before Transfering]

Seen 2 years ago
Armadyl Hero (94/100)
Armadyl Hero
94 Posts
Warning level
Joined: 2021-11-11

Name snipers are an unfortunate part of rare names. They ruin the fun by sniping names, so that one party is out of their money, or out of a nice name. But first, what is a sniper exactly?

  • Sniper: a user who intentionally tries to steal a name when the name becomes available.

This is considered scamming per RuneLister rules, and it is not allowed. However, there are some tips I can recommend to all of you to avoid this.

  • Don't post your name publically. By this, I recommend starring out the name and asking users to PM you to receive it.

    2. Once they PM you, do your homework:
    ** Are they new to the forums (join date within a month)
    ** Do they have any scam reports against them?
    ** Scroll through their posts and see what they're like
    ** What does your gut feeling say?

    3. Make sure whoever you tell, that this name is meant for only them, and that they are NOT to tell ANYONE.

    4. Do the transfer over skype call, or at the vest least, skype IM. This reduces the chance for the name to get sniped, as you know exactly when it has changed.


    5. Follow the transfer steps below

Basic Transfer Method​
~~ Overview ~~​

This is the basic method meant to transfer a name from one existing account to another existing account. So if you are buying a name to put on your account, this is the simple method to do so.

~~ Transferring steps - Seller's side ~~​
  1. Make sure you have everything set up. Here is what you'll need:
    ** The account you're transferring the name off of will need 2 RS3 bonds, for 2 name changes. The first name change will simply make the rare name as the "last known as" name, and will NOT release the name to be taken. The second name change WILL release the name to be taken.
  2. The seller of the name will confirm that the buyer is ready, and has the name pretyped in, ready to take. The seller will then change the name the first time.
    ** Tip: Change it to something like "Told Love" on the first change in-game.



  3. The seller will double check that the buyer is still there, and is still ready to take the name. The seller will then do a form of count down.
    ** Tip: The first name change is a universal signal to snipers that the name is going to be transferred. The longer you wait, the more likely it is for a sniper to pick up on this, and prepare to take your name. YES, waiting even 5 minutes is more than plenty of time for a sniper to notice. You should redeem the 2nd bond for a name change as soon as you change your name the first time.


  4. The seller will then change the name the second time on the website, to the name he had already changed it to.
    ** Tip: The reasoning behind this is that snipers will look for the 2nd change and instantly try to claim the name. If you change it to the same, they can't visibly see the name change, reducing the ability for them to claim it.
    ** Tip: Do a count down. An example can be found in the tips to avoid getting your name sniped, above.
~~ Transferring steps - Buyer's side ~~​
  1. Make sure you have everything set up. Here is what you'll need:
    ** The account you're transferring the name on to will need one bond, or a free name change already available.
  2. Have the name pretyped in, ready to claim it.
    ** Tip: This is so that once the name is released, you can simply press enter and confirm, making it fast and easy to claim.
    ** Tip: Make sure the name is typed correctly. It has happened before where the buyer mistypes the name, and claims that, leaving the real name open for anyone to take.


  3. On the "go" mark, press enter, and you'll be brought to a confirmation window. Quickly select "confirm". You will then be presented with a "Congratulations" window upon success.


~~ Pros and Cons of this method ~~​
  1. This method is safe in the context that it will make it harder for the other user to recover the name. Believe it or not, but names CAN be recovered, similar to accounts. Having them stay on their account, and you stay on your account increases the likelihood that they will be unable to retrieve the name

    [*] For cheaper or more low-profile names, this method is quite easy and has very little stress involved.

  1. This method is practically the slowest. It makes it easier for snipers to be able to get the name.

    [*]It is only advised if the name is low profile, or if you are not experienced. If you are not, have someone familiar in the market middleman the trade for you, or you can possibly have someone familiar in the market transfer it for you.

Website Method (More Advanced)​
~~ Overview of the method ~~​

This method is meant to transfer a name from one existing account to another existing account. So if you're buying a name to put it on your account, this is a more advanced method to do so. This method is one of the fastest methods to date; however, this only requires one person to do the transfer. So unless they are very trusted, I'd recommend having them screenshare the process via skype. Basically, they will be doing a similar process as above, but it will be faster as there is no delay time between the seller saying the name has been released, and the buyer pressing enter than confirm. If done right, it will take less than a second to claim the name.

~~ The process ~~​
  1. Make sure you have everything set up. Here is what you'll need:
    ** The account you're transferring the name from will need 2 RS3 bonds, or 1 bond and a free name change already available
    ** The account you're transferring the name to will need 1 bond, or a free name change already available.
  2. Now you'll want to make sure the bond is already redeemed on the account you're transferring the name to. Log into the website, and go to the "Change Character Name" section. There is a glitch that will allow you to have the confirm window already open for the name you want, but you will be unable to claim it until you free that name up. To do it, you're going to want to type in the name and a number after it, for example "Name1". Wait for it to say whether it's available for not, then delete the 1 so that the field says "Name" and quickly press "Set Name". You'll want to make sure it is still checking the name when you press Set Name. If it already says the name is unavailable, repeat the process, and click Set Name faster. If done correctly, this should allow you to the confirm screen. Again, you are NOT able to take the name until the name is released.



  3. Since you'll be doing this yourself, you're going to go ahead and change the name the first time.
    ** Tip: The first name change is a universal signal to snipers that the name is going to be transferred. The longer you wait, the more likely it is for a sniper to pick up on this, and prepare to take your name. YES, waiting even 5 minutes is more than plenty of time for a sniper to notice. You should redeem the 2nd bond for a name change as soon as you change your name the first time.
    ** Tip: Change it to something random like "Told Love"



  4. Once you have done that, you'll want to quickly redeem a bond to change the name again. Have the game open with the name change in the confirmation window on the account you're transferring the name off of, and the website open with the name change in the confirmation window on the account you're transferring the name on to.


  5. Now, press 'confirm' in-game to release the name. Even though it is still shows the name as processing the change, it will be released about 1/2 - 1 second after you click Confirm. So click Confirm, and immediately head to the browser, wait about a quarter of a second, and click "Yes" to claim the name. If done right, you should have changed the name successfully.
~~ Pros and Cons of this method ~~​
  1. This method is, in my opinion, the fastest when performed correctly. It takes some timing, but if you know what you're doing, it is difficult to snipe a name when someone is transferring this way.
  2. This doesn't require any communication. you simply do it when you're ready on your terms.
  1. Should the seller attempt to scam you and recover the name, yes names CAN be recovered, this makes it much easier on them. JaGeX will see your IP listed on the account at the time, and if prompted to, will sometimes return the name to the original account it was on.
  2. If you time it wrong and prematurely click Yes, it will say the name is unavailable, wasting precious seconds to retype the name in and redo the process to claim the name. This happens if you do it instantly after clicking confirm. I advise to speak with someone very experienced before attempting this, otherwise you might cost yourself a name.
New Account Method (More Advanced)​
~~ Overview ~~​

This method is meant for if you're looking to transfer a name from an existing account to a fresh, brand new account. So for that purpose, this is the fastest method. You're basically going to be using the refer a friend feature on the website, and then creating an account through that. I will explain exactly why you will want to refer a friend as opposed to just making a new account the normal method.
** Tip: If you are the buyer, do this process and create the account YOURSELF. This way the creation of the account is under you, and the account is owned by you. If the seller creates it and gives it to you, they can ALWAYS recover the account with the name.

~~ The process ~~​
  1. Log into the RuneScape website on any of your accounts, go to the "Account" tab, and click the refer a friend option


  2. Once there, scroll down a tad and click the "Recruit Friends Now!"


  3. Type 2 random names and the e-mail you want the login/registered email to be for the rare name.


  4. Send it, and check your email. Scroll all the way down to the bottom of the email and click "Play Now"


  5. Fill out the form with the desired login/registered email and password you want.
    ** NOTE: You are NOT selecting a name now, this is key to the method


  6. Now you'll want to load the client/website. Login with the account you just created, and it will prompt to to choose a gender and clothes. Ignore that and move on, and it will ask you to pick a name. Unlike the normal way to create an account, where you cannot click "Play Now" if the name is not available, this method, you can. So make sure the name is pretyped in the field.


  7. Now you're going to want to go ahead and complete the first change like normal.
    ** Tip: The first name change is a universal signal to snipers that the name is going to be transferred. The longer you wait, the more likely it is for a sniper to pick up on this, and prepare to take your name. YES, waiting even 5 minutes is more than plenty of time for a sniper to notice. You should redeem the 2nd bond for a name change as soon as you change your name the first time.
  8. Now, make sure the other party is ready to claim it, or you're ready to claim it (whoever is receiving the name). Go ahead and change the name, go to the other screen, wait about 1/4 of a second and click "Play Now". The reason for waiting is that the name is released around 1/2 - 1 second after you click Confirm, so you'll want to make sure you do not click it to soon; however, if you do, just wait for the game to reject the name change and click "Play Now" again, as it takes a very small amount of time to allow or deny your request when creating an account that way.


~~ Pros and Cons of this method ~~​
  1. This is one of the fastest methods to get a name on to a brand new account.
  2. You don't have to control both accounts to make this efficient. The buyer can simply tell the seller EXACTLY when the name is received, and the seller can start spamming, and will usually end up getting it.
  1. Depending on your internet connection, this may be very slow, as this can rely on how fast it takes the game to register the name is taken and to allow you to click the "Play Now" button again.

And that is the basics to transferring a name. Remember, communication is key here. You need both parties active and paying attention. One slip up, and the name is no longer your's, so make sure you put your full attention to it.

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