Quote fromRuneLister on November 27, 2021, 4:26 pm
Please read over this thread, as it explains what is allowed here, and what isn't
The following belongs in this section
- Any livestream content pertaining to gaming
- Gameplay trailers/trailers for unreleased games/reviews/video content *DO NOT POST VIDEOS NOT RELATED TO GAMING*
This is not a marketplace. Do not attempt to buy/sell anything here.
Users are permitted to make threads regarding their livestreams, however if you break any RuneLister.com rules on your stream like displaying porn, posting phising links, etc., you will be banned.
In order to embed your stream into a post, use the following code:
When linking video content, please try to link to a discussion thread pertaining the game showcased in the video.
Please read over this thread, as it explains what is allowed here, and what isn't
The following belongs in this section
- Any livestream content pertaining to gaming
- Gameplay trailers/trailers for unreleased games/reviews/video content *DO NOT POST VIDEOS NOT RELATED TO GAMING*
This is not a marketplace. Do not attempt to buy/sell anything here.
Users are permitted to make threads regarding their livestreams, however if you break any RuneLister.com rules on your stream like displaying porn, posting phising links, etc., you will be banned.
In order to embed your stream into a post, use the following code:
When linking video content, please try to link to a discussion thread pertaining the game showcased in the video.