63 Posts
Warning level
Joined: 2021-09-29
Quote fromRuneLister on November 21, 2021, 9:11 pm
Welcome to the RuneLister.com Auction House! Here are some rules you are required to abide by when posting in this forum.
- You must provide pictures of any items you intend to sell, whether it be for D3G, real-life currency, or RSGP.
- You may not reply to threads with short and unhelpful posts such as "added", "interested", "nice items!", or "where did you find this?".
- When buying an item, it's recommended to dictate the specs you desire in a weapon or piece or armor you wish to acquire. This is due to the versatility D3 items show as far as stats and socket spaces.
- It's recommended to remove all gems from item sockets before selling or buying. It makes pricing easier and more straightforward.
- Buying/selling gold for cash, alternate currency, or items from another MMO does not belong in this section! Use the Gold Sales section.
Welcome to the RuneLister.com Auction House! Here are some rules you are required to abide by when posting in this forum.
- You must provide pictures of any items you intend to sell, whether it be for D3G, real-life currency, or RSGP.
- You may not reply to threads with short and unhelpful posts such as "added", "interested", "nice items!", or "where did you find this?".
- When buying an item, it's recommended to dictate the specs you desire in a weapon or piece or armor you wish to acquire. This is due to the versatility D3 items show as far as stats and socket spaces.
- It's recommended to remove all gems from item sockets before selling or buying. It makes pricing easier and more straightforward.
- Buying/selling gold for cash, alternate currency, or items from another MMO does not belong in this section! Use the Gold Sales section.