Quote fromRuneLister on November 15, 2021, 4:08 pm
The crypto market can experience intense volatility and this can cause confirmations for transactions to slow down.
Some transactions can take SEVERAL DAYS to confirm depending on how small of a fee is sent.Please review the links below to understand what your fee should be before trading!
- Rates must be inclusive of fees. If you are not paying for the fee you must let your customer know in advance and separately explain how large the fee is.
- Fees must be confirmed before the trade. In the event a fee is not discussed and a transaction is in limbo due to no confirmations for extended time, the customer is owed the difference if the value of the cryptocurrency were to decrease - the inverse does not apply.
- In the absence of fee discussion, a maximum confirmation time is applied: 2 hours. You are responsible for the difference if the confirmation time exceeds 2 hours.
- Good resources to calculate Bitcoin fees: Bitcoin Fees for Transactions | bitcoinfees.earn.com & Bitcoin Fee Calculator, Estimation + Chart of Unconfirmed Transactions
- Failure to warn your customers may result in a TWC or market ban for serious or repeat cases.
Note that you should NEVER go through with a trade until you receive at least 1 confirmation on the transaction.
The crypto market can experience intense volatility and this can cause confirmations for transactions to slow down.
Some transactions can take SEVERAL DAYS to confirm depending on how small of a fee is sent.
Please review the links below to understand what your fee should be before trading!
- Rates must be inclusive of fees. If you are not paying for the fee you must let your customer know in advance and separately explain how large the fee is.
- Fees must be confirmed before the trade. In the event a fee is not discussed and a transaction is in limbo due to no confirmations for extended time, the customer is owed the difference if the value of the cryptocurrency were to decrease - the inverse does not apply.
- In the absence of fee discussion, a maximum confirmation time is applied: 2 hours. You are responsible for the difference if the confirmation time exceeds 2 hours.
- Good resources to calculate Bitcoin fees: Bitcoin Fees for Transactions | bitcoinfees.earn.com & Bitcoin Fee Calculator, Estimation + Chart of Unconfirmed Transactions
- Failure to warn your customers may result in a TWC or market ban for serious or repeat cases.
Note that you should NEVER go through with a trade until you receive at least 1 confirmation on the transaction.