Quote fromRuneLister on November 16, 2021, 11:32 am
A warning about buying infernal capes
Artist credit /u/Vaaritu on reddit
Jagex has historically temp-banned users they have caught purchasing an infernal cape. For this reason, many of the sellers in this section use a "teamview" service that requires them having access to your computer to complete the cape from your IP. If you do choose this service, it's recommended you do a few attempts of the cape yourself prior to having the service provider complete the order so your account doesn't look like it's just one-banging zuk without any practice.
No service is entirely risk-free, there is always a chance your cape will be revoked. Please keep this in mind when ordering.
Artist credit /u/Vaaritu on reddit
Jagex has historically temp-banned users they have caught purchasing an infernal cape. For this reason, many of the sellers in this section use a "teamview" service that requires them having access to your computer to complete the cape from your IP. If you do choose this service, it's recommended you do a few attempts of the cape yourself prior to having the service provider complete the order so your account doesn't look like it's just one-banging zuk without any practice.
No service is entirely risk-free, there is always a chance your cape will be revoked. Please keep this in mind when ordering.