A Complete Trouble Brewing – Collection Log – Minigame Guide OSRS 2023

Trouble Brewing – Collection Log Guide OSRS

Trouble Brewing


40 cooking and the completion of the “Cabin Fever” quest.

There are 30 collection lot slots in the Trouble Brewing tab. They are obtained by finishing games of trouble brewing, earning pieces of eight (Po8) and using them to buy these items from Honest Jimmy, who stands just to the north of the trouble brewing site. In total, 39590 pieces of eight are required to fill this collection log tab. Each game of trouble brewing lasts for 20 minutes, with a 3 minute wait between rounds.

Regardless of the method you choose to complete trouble brewing, to obtain Po8 in a game of trouble brewing, fill your inventory with empty buckets from the supply tab near you in the room you spawn in. Head immediately just outside and fill all your buckets on the water pump near the door of the room you spawned in. Once all buckets are filled, head back inside the room you spawned in, climb upstairs, and use all your buckets of water on the hopper with a poster of a bucket of water next to it. Repeat this four times, until you have used 100 buckets on the hopper. This will take approximately four minutes.

There are three ways to complete the trouble brewing log.

Method 1:

Use 100 buckets of water on the hopper, and then afk for the remainder of the game. The most reliable place to do this is on the official Trouble Brewing world (world 304). Provided there are enough other playings using the official world, this method will give you 223 Po8/h, taking you approximately 178 hours to fill the log.

Method 2:

The second method is to use one alt.

To do this method, find 4 worlds that no one else is playing Trouble Brewing on, and that stay open if a player leaves. Set up a game of Trouble Brewing with your main and your alt on the first world, and hop to the second world when the timer hits 16 minutes. Remain on this world until the timer hits 16 minutes and hop to the third world. Remain on this world until the timer hits 16 minutes and hop to the fourth. Finally, remain on this world until the timer hits 16 minutes and hop to the first world, where you should now have about four minutes remaining to fill and empty 100 buckets.

You have now set up four staggered games of Trouble Brewing, and can go through each world with enough time to empty 100 buckets and be awarded 100 Po8. This method will provide approximately 750 Po8/h (not including the approximate 12 minutes it takes to set up the cycle), taking approximately 53 hours to complete the log.

Method 3:

The third method is to use two alts. This method is similar to method two, but uses three accounts, one main (let’s call this “main”) + two alts (let’s call these a1 and a2), and uses six worlds (let’s call these “w1”-”w6”).

The main ALWAYS joins the red team. Use a1 and a2 to start a game on w1. Have a2 immediately hop to w2 once the game has started, and join the lobby. When the timer on w1 hits 16 minutes, have a1 hop to w2, and join the lobby. As soon as the game starts, have a2 hop to w3 and join the lobby. When the timer on w2 hits 16 minutes, have a1 hop to w3 and join the lobby. As soon as the game starts, have a2 hop to w4 and join the lobby. When w3 hits 16 minutes, have a1 hop to w4 and start the game. Now, have your main join the lobby on w1, where it should be let in a game with 6 mins remaining. Have a2 hop to w5 and join the lobby. Begin emptying buckets on your main in w1, keeping an eye on w4 timers so that when the w4 timer hits 16 minutes a1 hops to w5. Continue this process, having your alts go back to w1 once w6 has been properly set.

You have now created a cycle where a1 and a2 are staggering games a few minutes a part, a few worlds a head of your main, so that your main can continue to immediately join games and empty 100 buckets in the few minutes left on the game on this world, before hopping to the next world you’ve prepared for them.

This method provides up to 1200 p08/h, allowing you to complete the log in approximately 33 hours. An example of this method can be found in this video by Rambo Prods: https://youtu.be/_Z975qdtTGE

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2023 Tithe Farm – Collection Log – Minigame Guide OSRS

Tithe Farm – Collection Log Guide OSRS

Tithe Farm


100% Hosidius favour and 34 farming.

There are 7 collection log slots in the Tithe Farm Tab. In order to obtain them you must successfully plant and harvest seeds for points then purchase the items with these points from Farmer Gricoller. A total of 850 points are required to complete the log.

You may play this game with either Golovanova seeds (requiring 34 farming< Bologano seeds (requiring 54 farming) or Logavano seeds (requiring 74 farming). Take the seeds and enter into the mini game.

The following picture shows an optimal inventory set up. If you do not have any farmer’s outfit pieces, simply wear full graceful. A ring of endurance is not strictly required, but will make runs smoother. Due to the large number of watering cans in your inventory, you will not need to cast humidify while fruit is growing, and can cast humidify between harvesting and planting your next batch.

The following image from the wiki shows an efficient route that is easy to learn. At each number, plant and water a seed. Once you’ve completed the circuit, repeat it, watering each fruit. Once they are grown, harvest each fruit following the same circuit. Deposit your fruit into the sacks after you have successfully harvested all fruit. If you have made no mistakes, you will deposit 100 fruit, giving you 25 points.

A Complete Temple Trekking – Collection Log Guide OSRS 2023

Temple Trekking – Collection Log Guide OSRS

Temple Trekking


Completion of the quests”In Aid of the Myreque” and “Darkness of Hallowvale” are required. Morytania legs 3/4 are highly recommended.

There are 4 collection log slots in the Temple Trekking tab. These four slots are the complete lumberjack outfit. Filling these slots should take less than half an hour. They are obtained by killing the undead lumberjacks that spawn in the bridge repairing event (without trees) when escorting mercenaries from Burgh de Rott to Paterdomus. They drop from a rate of 1/4 and do not drop duplicates if you already have one of the items.

The fastest way to obtain these lumberjack pieces is to teleport to Burgh de Rott using either Mortytania legs 3 or 4, or Fairy ring CKS to escort from the bridge over the river salve if you don’t have Morytania legs 3 or 4. When there, escort any person through Route One. If the first event that spawns is a bridge repairing event, and the bridge does NOT have trees available to cut, undead lumberjacks will spawn from the swamp waters repeatedly and you can kill them for a 1/4 chance of obtaining a lumberjack outfit piece. If you do not get this event, teleport back to Burgh de Rott and escort a person through Route One again, repeating until you get the bridge repair event without trees. Only one outfit piece can be obtained per bridge repair event, so once you have obtained a piece you should immediately teleport back to Burgh de Rott and escort the person through Route One again. Repeat this until you have the full outfit.

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2023 A Complete Soul Wars – Collection Log Guide OSRS

Soul Wars – Collection Log Guide OSRS

Soul Wars


In order to play soul wars, 500 total level and 40 combat level is required.

There are 3 collection log slots in the Soul Wars Tab. 2 of these can be purchased for a fixed total price of 2750 zeal tokens. The pet, is acquired by opening Spoils of War, which cost 30 zeal tokens and have a 1/400 chance of giving the pet. Zeal tokens are acquired by playing games of Soul Wars.

The most efficient way to complete the soul wars log is by using an alt. This method was developed by Barcoding and unifire.

Your main wears max range with void, a blow pipe, a dark bow with dragon arrows and brings runes to cast telekinetic grab. Your alt needs 75 range with an ava’s device, rock cake/locator orb. Elite void and rigor is recommended. Have both accounts use their ava’s device on Nomad to apply the effect on your Soul Cape.

Have your main and alt both grab potions from the base and kill the closest ghosts north/south of the obelisk. You need 28-32 fragments from the ghosts combined across both accounts (usually 12 on main and 16 on alt). Move your alt NW/SE of the moat by the obelisk and have your main dark bow spec your alt and telegrab it’s fragments. You must have your mainstay within the ruins. Stay by the obelisk and wait for the cap to finish, sacrifice your fragments to it, then run to your alt’s base and start damaging the Avatar. You will need to do 260 damage if you had 24 soul fragments, or 215 damage if you had 28. Have your Alt click on the portal and prepare to exit. When the timer says 12:10, leave the game and your main will acquire 19 zeal. If you are able to start games again within 10 seconds, this method profits 380 zeal/h.

Gmononkey has a helpful video walking through this method here: https://youtu.be/2tfcS0k0OF4

If you do not have access to an alt, the best way to hunt these slots is with a group called “ZealGains”. In order to play this method with this group, join the ingame friend chat “ZealGains” and DM a rank for more specific rules.

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Shades of Mort’ton –New Collection Log Guide OSRS New 2023

Shades of Mort’ton – Collection Log Guide OSRS

Shades of Mort’ton


Completion of the Shades of Mort’ton quest, 95 firemaking. Completion of the Elite tier of the Morytania Achievement diary is recommended.

There are 14 collection log slots of the Shades of Mort’ton tab. In order to complete this log, you must cremate various remains in Mort’ton and obtain keys, using these keys on various chests within the catacombs until you’ve acquired each item. If you are a main account, you can buy a gold lock on the grand exchange, and talk to Dampe, who will make a Gold Coffin for you. Having a Gold Coffin will allow you to hold up to 28 shades remains in one inventory slot. If you are an iron you will need to obtain these locks yourself.

In order to cremate shade remains, use your pyre logs on the funeral pyre. Place the shade remains on top. Click the pyre to light it. This image shows you how to lay out your inventory:

Shades remains can be tick manipulated to significantly increase the speed of cremation. An excellent guide detailing this by qhp is found here:

There is no significant case to be made for immediately using your keys in the catacombs or banking the keys and taking a larger number of them to the catacombs – the time difference is insubstantial.

You should start completing this log by obtaining the different locks. The Bronze lock is obtained from opening Bronze chests at an approximate rate of 1/60, the Steel lock is obtained from opening Steel chests at an approximate rate of 1/60, the Black lock is obtained from opening Black chests at an approximate rate of 1/60, the Silver lock is obtained from opening Silver chests at an approximate rate of 1/60 and the Gold lock is obtained from opening Gold chests and an approximate rate of 1/60.

Burn Phrin remains for Bronze keys and Steel keys, Riyl remains for Steel and Black keys, Asyn remains for Black and Silver keys, Fiyr remains for Silver and Gold keys and Urium remains for Gold keys. You can burn all of these on redwood pyre logs, but may use a lesser tier of log if you cannot afford redwoods, or if you don’t care about the prayer and firemaking xp.

The amulet of the damned, Flamtaer bag, fine cloth, tree wizards’ journal and bloody notes drop from all chests. Zealots outfit pieces all only drop from Gold chests.

NB: tick manipulating cremation urium remains and opening the keys is currently the quickest way to obtain elite clues after opening dragon impling jars.

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Rogues Den – Collection Log Guide OSRS

Rogues Den – Collection Log Guide OSRS

Rogues Den


50 thieving and 50 agility is required to navigate the rogues den. Whilst 80 thieving unlocks a shortcut that allows you to navigate the maze quicker, making it strictly more efficient to wait for 80 thieving from the perspective of collection log completion, most players will want to obtain this outfit earlier than level 80 in order to maximise the gp made while training thieving.

There are 5 collection log slots in the Rogues’ Den tab. They are filled by successfully navigating the thieving and agility maze inside the Rogues’ Den, and obtaining Rogue outfit pieces from successfully navigating it. You must attempt the maze with nothing equipped and nothing in your inventory. You should pre-pot a dose of stamina potion before entering the maze. The following image from the wiki shows how to navigate the maze – with the pink line showing the route for players without 80+ thieving, and the white route showing the shortcut available at 80+ thieving:

Once in the centre of the maze, crack a wall safe in order to obtain either a rogue kit, which can be turned into chisel, tinderbox, rope or spade, OR obtain a Rogue’s equipment crate, which allows you to select the piece of the Rogue outfit you wish to obtain.

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2023 A Complete Pest Control – Collection Log Guide OSRS

Pest Control – Collection Log Guide OSRS

Pest Control


A combat level of 40 is required to play novice games of pest control, though a combat level of 100+ is required to efficiently complete the log by playing veteran games.

There are 10 collection log slots in the Pest Control tabs. They are filled by successfully completing games of pet control to obtain commendation points, and purchasing these items from either the Void Knight or the Elite Void Knight. In total, 1910 points are required to purchase all items. Completion of the hard tier of the western provinces achievement diaries is necessary to upgrade to the elite void knight top and the elite void knight bottom.

From the perspective of filling the collection log slots, it’s most efficient to hunt these slots when you have a combat level of 100, allowing you to participate on the veteran boats where you recieve 5 commendation points for a successful round.

In order to receive commendation points you must maintain your activity bar and prevent it from turning red, meaning you will receive no points. Attacking portals and killing spinners give the most amount of participation, followed by attacking other monsters.

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2023 Mahogany Homes –A Complete Collection Log Guides OSRS

Mahogany Homes – Collection Log Guides OSRS

Mahogany Homes


70 construction is required to efficiently fill this log. Access to lunars and 89 magic, as well, a construction cape/house in hosidius and xeric’s talisman are recommended.

There are 8 collection log slots in the Mahogany Homes (MH) tab. In order to fill this log, players must complete contracts for Mahogany Homes, receive Carpenter points, and use these points to purchase rewards. In total, 4875 Carpenter points are required to fill this log.

Talk to Amy, located south of Falador park, to receive your first contract. Ask for an expert contact, with rewards 5 points. Amy will assign you to one of 12 clients. Go to their house, remove the old furniture in their house and replace it, then talk to the client to complete the contract. After completing one contract from Amy, you should use NPC contact to receive future contracts. A map link of their locations can be found on the wiki here:


This table shows the closest teleport to each client:

The most efficient inventory lay out is the following:

Use recharge dragonstone to recharge your ring of wealth. A plank sack is a significant qol upgrade, it is essential to purchase it as your first item. It is quicker to unnote planks than to withdraw them from the bank – unnote planks when running past the hosidius bank on the way to mariah or the way to hosidius bank or at the falador east bank, after teleporting to falador park. Keep at least one steel bar in your inventory at all times.

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2023 Mage Training Arena –A Complete Collection Log Guide OSRS ( Minigames )

Mage Training Arena – Collection Log Guide OSRS

Mage Training Arena


Technically you can begin using the Mage Training arena at 7 magic but at a bare minimum you should have 60 magic in order to use Bones to Peaches.

There are 11 collection log slots in the Mage Training Arena (MTA) tab. In order to fill these slots you must train in the arena’s four activities, earn pizazz points and use them to purchase these collection log slots. One of them is the Bones to Peaches spell. The other ten are items that are either purchased, or, in the case of the Beginner wand, upgrading up to the Master wand. In MTA you are given a progress hat, which you must wear/bring into each room.

There are four different rooms/activities in MTA, the Telekinetic Theatre, the Creature Graveyard, the Enchanting Chamber, and the Alchemist’s playground. The award Telekinetic Pizazz points, Graveyard Pizazz points, Enchantment Pizazz points and Alchemist Pizazz points respectively. In order to complete the log, you need 2675 Telekinetic Pizazz points, 2675 Graveyard Pizazz points, 27500 Enchantment Pizazz points and 3075 Alchemist Pizazz points.

This helpful spreadsheet by Fersken 123 will help you keep track of progress and runes required as you work to complete MTA:


Telekinetic Points:

Enter the Telekinetic theatre and use Telekinetic Grab on the Maze Guardian to move it throughout the maze. You will receive 2 Telekinetic Pizazz points for each maze you complete, and a bonus 8 points for completing 5 mazes in a row (you keep this streak even if you leave the arena).

Graveyard Points:

To earn Graveyard Pizazz points you must collect bones from 4 different types of bones, convert these to bananas or peaches and deposit them. Every 16 fruit deposited earns a Graveyard Pizazz point. The bone piles cyle through the different bone types, going from 1-4. They give 4 of each bone type and then advance to the next. Every 6 seconds you will take 2 damage in this room, so it’s important to be conscious of your health (this is a safe death for HCIM)

Equip a Mud battlestaff, a regen bracelet and a hitpoints cape and bring nature runes. Ensure you have 23 inventory spaces free. Enter the creature graveyard and head west to the deposit slots.

Collect 16 bones, giving 4 of each type of bone. Drop the 4 point and 3 point bone then drop the 2 and 1 point bones, alternating back and forth between which bone you drop.

Pick up 8 bones from the pile – either 2 and 3 or 4 and 1 fruit bones. This will give you 20 points. Pick up a bone from your dropped pile – this will be 3 or 4 fruit bone and will give you 23 points (or 24 if you have enough space in your inventory). Cast Bones to Bananas and deposit. Do this seven more times.

Then, collect 8 bones from the pile. Again, these will be 2 and 3 or 4 and 1 fruit bones. Now pick up TWO bones from your dropped piles – these should be a 2 fruit and a 1 fruit, giving you 23 total points. Cast Bones to Bananas, and repeat the process over again. When you feel you’re health is low, spend an full inventory or 23 points worth of fruit bones on casting bones to peaches. Drop 12 of these, eat the rest, and keep going with the method, eating the peaches off the ground as needed for healing.

Enchantment Points:

In order to gain enchantment points, you must use enchantment spells to enchant either shapes of dragonstones for points. When shapes are enchanted they become orbs. Depositing these orbs will give you runes, but it’s more efficient to drop them. Each type of shape (cubes, cylinders, pentamids and icosahedrons) are found in piles in each corner of the room. There will always be one shape that gives an additional 2 points per enchantment. This shape changes every 24 seconds.

Use Lvl-7 enchant for maximum (7) points, bring bloods, souls and cosmics to do this. Equip a mud battle staff so that you also have the runes to enchant dragonstones. Wear full graceful, bring staminas, and wear a ring of endurance if you have it.

The most efficient way to play this room is to run to each bonus shape and focus on enchanting as many as possible. Pick up one shape and enchant it before picking up another so that you don’t waste any time picking up shapes you won’t get to enchant. If you see a dragonstone directly in your path as you move between corners, pick it up and enchant it, but do NOT go out of your way to pick up extra dragonstones.

Alchemist Points:

In the Alchemist’s playground you need to search cupboards for items which you cast high alchemy on to convert into coins. You gain 1 pizazz point for each 100 coins deposited. To maximise the return for your effort, only deposit coins in factors of 100 – 199 coins deposited will return only 1 point while 200 coins will return 2. DO NOT gain over 12000 coins without depositing them – if you do this you won’t be able to deposit any of them and all your time will have been wasted.

The items’ values and locations change every 42 seconds. The highest possible value is 30, and you should only alch the item worth 30gp each cycle. This image from the wiki shows all the possible locations for an item, meaning you can always find the item in three searches:

If you open a cupboard and find that it’s the 30gp item, lucky you! If you open a cupboard and find an item that’s NOT the 30gp item, look at the image to see where the item you found is, and where therefore the 30gp item is. If you open a cupboard and it’s empty, rotate 3 items clockwise and search another cupboard. This cupboard will definitely have an item, which will either be the item you’re looking for or will enable you to find the item you’re looking for by checking the chart.

2023 Ultimate Guardians of the Rift Guide – OSRS

Ultimate Guardians of the Rift Guide – OSRS


Completion of the Temple of the Eye quest. Highly recommended: Completion of Morning Ends II, Sins of the Father, Troll Stronghold, access to the Lunar spellbook, 77 Runecraft and 82 Magic for Magic Imbue.

There are 17 slots in the Guardians of the Rift (GOTR) tab. 9 of these are obtained by searching the Rift Guardian; The Abyssal Protector (1/4000), Abyssal pearls (1/6.944), Catalytic talisman (1/200), Abyssal needle (1/300), The three Abyssal dyes (1/1200 each), the Abyssal lantern (1/700) and the Intricate pouch (1/25). Two slots, the Lost bag (1/60) and Tarnished locket (1/40), are obtained by opening Intricate pouches, which are obtained by searching the Rift Guardian. The expected number of searches to fill all slots obtained by searching the Rift Guardian is 4764.

Six slots are obtained by purchasing them with Abyssal pearls from the Temple Supplies store run by Apprentice Felix. Abyssal pearls are a currency obtained by searching the Rift Guardian. 4750 Abyssal pearls are required to purchase these six items. You average 2.16 pearls per search, so approximately 2200 searches are needed to obtain all the Abyssal pearls needed to purchase the six collection log slots.

GOTR is a Runecraft minigame, where players must mine essence to craft runes to obtain guardian stones to assist the Great Guardian in quashing an abyssal creature invasion by closing the rift they’re advancing through.

When players begin playing GOTR, they should have this inventory/equipment set up:


– If you aren’t maxed you should wear either a mining cape, a runecraft cape, or a graceful cape if they have neither. The mining cape will help you mine essence faster, the runecraft cape will prevent your pouches from degrading.

– Charging your crystal pickaxe will help you mine shards/essence faster, but is an expensive and marginal buff that you may prefer to avoid.

– Likewise, charging your celestial ring with stardust will help you mine shards and essence faster, but is also a marginal buff, only worth doing if you have an excess of stardust

– Air runes are for making combo runes, which should be done for all elemental runes. Air runes will provide the most amount of points for any combo rune, but if you’d like to gain slightly less points and acquire slightly more profitable runes, you should feel free to use water runes.

– If you don’t have Varrock armour 4, wear the highest level of Varrock armour you have. If you don’t have any, wear a graceful torso.

When you’ve played the game more and obtained more collection log slots, your set up should look like this:

General tips:

– There is a runelite Guardians of the Rift Helper plug in that can be quite helpful – the portal spawn timer and potential points overlay are particularly helpful

– You can right click on Portal Guardians to toggle if you want to receive talismans from them or not. You only want to receive talismans from Fire, Death and Blood altars, so disable receiving talismans from all other Portal Guardians.

– Polyelemental runes give 50% more points than normal elemental runes. Because of this you will always need to enter into 3 catalytic altars for every 2 elemental altars you enter.

– It’s always quicker to drop all runes you make though this will significantly decrease your profits. Choose yourself which runes you’re happy to drop, and which you want to keep. Deposit the runes you want to keep in the Deposit pool, to the left of where you craft fragments into essence.

Method 1:

This method describes how to get the most points possible while playing on mass worlds, ~26 searches/h All steps in italics are optional, but if no one on your team does you will fail the rounds. You should decide if you want to do them on not based on how many people in your mass are creating guardians and powering up guardians.

Before rift opens:

1. Use NPC Contact spell to repair pouches if you aren’t using an Abyssal lantern (redwood) or wearing a Runecrafting cape/Max cape

2. Take 10 uncharged cells and 1 weak cell.

3. Stand by the guardian until rift opens.

When rift opens:

1. Use the weak cell to create a guardian

2. Run to the Large Guardian remains to the east and begin mining.

3. Stop mining either when you have 170 fragments.

4. Use workbench to craft 30 essence, go to altar and craft runes then exit altar.

5. Power up and Heal barrier, deposit runes if desired.

6. Enter spawned portal, fill pouch, go to altar, craft runes and exit altar.

7. Power up and Heal barrier, deposit runes if desired.

Repeat steps 4-7 until the end of the game, except craft enough essence to fill your pouch(es) each time you return to the work bench.

Method 2:

This Dolo method invented by he box jonge is the fastest way to fill the GOTR log, providing ~33 searches/h.


1. Mine 185 Guardian Fragments

2. Make 1 or 2 guardians, preferably strong but catalytic will do.

3. Craft Combo runes three times, bringing you up to ~600 elemental points

4. Craft Catalytic runes until you equalize to your elemental points

5. If your Yew lantern doesn’t proc, place weak cells in the empty tiles for additional points (17 points in both elemental and catalytic).

6. End the minigame with both points at ~660.


1. Make 2 Guardians at the start and make all 3 barriers.

2. Get all the 3 Barriers to over charged.

3. If needed, enter into the 3rd portal spawn, fill your inventory and pouch with essence and craft to assist your main in finishing the game.

See this video by he box jonge for an example of the dolo method: https://youtu.be/w11LJDBcCzg

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